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About done...Grandma males more effort over stray cats than grandbaby...

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Just wanted to give an update.


The cats have caused serious harm. Its fine if MIL wants to out herself at garm...but the cats at the new place *not owned by MIL AND NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE) caused a serious accident. I don't want to get into too many details...but the person was and is still hospitalized. This was 2 weeks ago. They had surgery and a long road ahead. They are not expected to leave the hospital for some weeks. They could have died. I'm not sure how many people MIL told...what she told me...but ...the "family" must not know or I suspect she might be homeless. Again...long story.


I don't even want to get into other details but MIL was complaining about the extra work this has caused her. She must have mental health issues because we thought she cared about this person dearly. Its all very troubling...

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