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Waiting FOR blood TEST RESULTS!!

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Hi everyone Well i actually enlisted to go to the marines, and about 3 weeks ago i got an urine test and a blood test to see if i have any type of diseases for hiv or whatever. Ever since i got tested i haven't been able to sleep or eat because i'm afraid the results are gonna come up hiv positive. it's so embarresing to even write this but it just makes me feel so much better to just let it out. i've had sex with 2 boyfriends with no condom. My first b/f , we were together for 2 years and the other one we were together for 1 yr and half. WHen i was single, i hooked up with a friend and had sex with no condom!!! AHHH.. i know i know I WAs stupid!! Shoot me please ! And when i went down the shore with a couple of friends, i ended up having sex with some dude, BUT this time we used a condom, but that stupid thing broke!! OMG... i freaked out soo much. Those are the only people ive had unprotected sex with and now it's killing me because im thinking about those stupid blood test results. It has been 3 weeks already and im not getting anything back!! I have been feeling soo freaking tense this whole time because that's the only thing that has been on my mind!!! AHHH!! i dont know what to think anymore. Why are those test taking soo long to come?? My recruiter said they would come in 10 days!! YEAH OK! it has been 3 weeks and i haven't received anything. Just thinking about it right now makes me all nervous. Thank you for listening . I appreciate it so much

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Well, you did what you did. And it's good you are worrying because you might learn something from it. In the future, you should take care not to have these worries.


For now, you should also realize, you probably have little to worry about. While anyone can get HIV, most of the people who get it are still those in certain at risks groups (men who engage in homsexual acts, IV drug users) and people who have sex with those in these risk groups. If the guys were not in the at risk groups, your chances of getting it through hetero contact are fairly low.


On the other hand, life is nto voer if you do have HIV. Most people live for decades with it and today most women who have and have children do nto pass it on to their children, if they get proper treatment. So, even if you get it, life is nowhere clsoe to over.


Have you called to ask for the results?

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I feel bad for you. Being worried is the worst emotion, it is terrible! When I thought I had testicular cancer (I didn't phew!) I didn't sleep or eat, and I even took 2 days off school. So I know how you feel, so much resting on one test!


Over those few days I decided if the worst came to worst, I'd take it the best I could. I said to myself, I'll do everything in my power, I'll try everthing, and damned if I'm going without a good fight! Whatever those results prove to be. I wish I had more words of comfort, but just know that your in my prayers.


I hope all goes well!!

PM me anytime!


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