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Got her number ... indirectly. Should I call?


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This girl and I are basically an acquaintance. I've seen her about 5 times at the booktore she works and we talked occasionally on msn. This has gone for about a month and a half. I decided that on valentines day I'd give her a rose and ask her out officially for coffee. But she wasn't working on that day and her coworker insisted that I deliver the rose to her house!! and proceeded to give me her telephone number! I didnt not call because I'd be worried that she would be ticked off that I got her number from her coworker and without her permission/acknowledgement. Anyway, I emailed her mentioning I dropped by to give her a present (the rose) and I'd give it to her on her next shift. Now, I was just thinking whether I should wait a couple more days and give her the rose or go ahead and call her. The idea is that she may have talked to her coworker and discovered that I do have her number. If I dont call, will she think I have no confidence? I was just thinking of waiting for Friday to come so I can drop off the present. I decided that giving a rose a week after v-day would be awkward and give off wrong ideas since a rose says "i love you". As a result, I took one of her online photos and did a sketch of it on paper; this would be my replacement gift for the rose. I'm kinda worried if I dont call her she may think I lack confidence, but I just dont want to be rude since I had obtained her number through her coworker who just gave it to me without hesitation.

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Why not email her and ask if it's okay to call her? Tell her you got her number from the coworker and you'd like to call her, but you don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I was always a little weirded out when a guy would call me, when I know I didn't give him my number... Not to say that she's not interested, but she may feel a little bothered by the surprise and not know what to say... etc. If you send a message on msn, letting her know that you want to call her, that will show that you know what you want, but you still respect her privacy. Good Luck!

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NO no No dont do that


Most girl like a guy that is not shy because most of them like to have a some that and take them out and have a good time but if you are shy you are less likey to go out and have a good time but not all girl are the same some are different


But do what you heart is tellyou u can never go wroung with that

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She may find it a little weird if you just call her out of the blue, but i dont think that you should email her asking if its ok to call. If you do then she will either think that you have no confidence or that you are really polite.


She already knows that you have something for her but she doent know what, that is where the surprise now lies! I think that what you have for her is excellent and you should just go ahead and give it to her on her next shift as she is expecting, dont worry about calling her because there is really not much need to.


p.s. I really like the drawing idea, i might have to try it out next year!!

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Believe it or not, but girls ACTUALLY talk to each other!!! I'm willing to bet that the girl who gave you the number did it in good conscience and knows more about the girl you like than you do. Maybe she likes you too and they've talked about it. You never know. Anyway, I would suggest calling the girl and blaming it on her coworker up front. You should have called and said, "I got you roses and your coworker said I should call you and then bring them over." It takes some of the weight off of you while still showing your intentions.

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Okay, I have officially finished the drawing ... shading and all; I'm going to her store right after my shift and hand it to her. A thought came to my head that I could write a note and stick it on the drawing. Something like "Is it okay if I call you one of these days? I'm not going to call you 9 times a day, I promise." Do y'all think thats a great idea? Or should I simply give it to her in an envelope and do all the talking. Just a last minute idea that came to my head. I was supposed to give it to her yesterday but I had some errands to run so today will be the day ... whatever happens I'm ready to see where these feelings lead me to. No pain no gain. Thanks for all your input, I truly appreciate it.

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Personally, I think that the drawing thing is trickier than roses because it doesn't have any sort of meaning in a social sense. Roses is a nice gesture, and is understood as such, while a drawing doesn't necessarily have an expected response. She might feel awkward not knowing how to respond to it. In the end, it all depends on the girl I guess.


I think I just keep visualizing that scene from Napoleon Dynamite where that girl opens the drawing he made of her from the yearbook. "I spent like three hours shading the upper lip". LOL

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