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No "I love you"

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Hi there,

You say he shows you he loves you by the things he does. Do you also feel loved? If you do and everything in his actions says he cares for you that way, then pay attention to that. His actions are speaking volumes.


If his actions don't reflect that, then you should start worrying.


To some people saying those three words can be life altering, and scary. Go with your gut feeling on this instead and try not to force and "i love you" out of him... if it's forced it loses it's magic.


Good luck

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Look deeper than the surface. My bf has been the same way but those little things he does and ways he looks at me tell me everything I need to know. Dont pressure him or ask him anything related to that topic. He simply may not feel comfortable saying it for whatever reason, but he will when the time is right and when he does, the longer it may take, the more satisfaction you will get out of it.


Maybe for the time being you can try breaking the ice by saying something else when you feel like saying "I love you." Saying cute things like you care about him or being affectionate to him or giving him that look.

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I think that actions speak louder than words. I mean, he could tell you he loves you and not act like it, or he could act like he loves you but not say it. Obviously anyone would want someone to act like it and say it, but if he's just not ready, don't force it out of him cause it could scare him from saying it even more.


Obviously he wouldn't be with you, or even living with you if he didn't care about you. I'm sure he loves you, but maybe he's afraid to say it? I know my boyfriend said it for a long time before I did. I just couldn't get the words out, even though I felt them.


As long as he shows you he loves you through his actions, then you shouldn't worry. The words will come soon, just don't force them out.

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