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i just can't deal with it all anymore, i keep making things worse for myself and i can't seem to stop putting myself in positions where i get hurt, i want what i can't have but i don't want to feel like s*** all the time anymore. i don't think i could go so far as to hurt myself but i can't handle life anymore i just keep f****** up and i want 2 stop but i've wanted 2 stop for a long time and still haven't managed to do it........ i think i need serious help...... and some sleeping pills would be nice.....

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Sprocc, what is keeping you from getting the help you know you need? You sound like you are struggeling with depression my friend, and it can be a deep, dark demon to fight on your own. Why don't you go see the doctor and get some sleeping pills / anti-depressants. If it is something wrong emotional, try and work it out?


It's such a hard road to walk, but you are not walking it alone, my friend. We are a lot of people who's walking it with you!!

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The teenage years are crap. don't be fooled by all that commercial crap and trendy TV shows about beautiful rich teens and their beautiful rich problems. That's rubbish. Keep an eye on those stars and I guarantee that you will be better off than them all twenty years from now. When I was 18, I felt fat, ugly and stupid. School work was piling up , my father was ill from depression and after losing his job. I used to write in my diary that I wanted to die. But i kept on plugging on hoping that the next day would be better. It didn't get better for along time but it did eventually. Also don't discount the chemical imbalances of teenage years. If you have a physical illness you know what it is and are reassured. Well you can physical illnesses in the brain too. Be reassured that these feelings happens to almost everyone. As for making mistakes. We all make mistakes. The man who didn't make mistakes didn't make anything. I have humiliated myself more times than I can imagine. What's worse I have done things completely right and still failed. Life does suck and it does blow but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd rather have my trials and failures because my self worth is tied into the fact that though I weep and grind I never give up for long.

Things could be worse you could be Paris Hilton, a symbol of why life should be hard. When its too easy it turns you into a worthless thing.

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don't kill yourself...don't think about the pills. get rid of them, throw them away.


killing yourself is not the right answer. i know life seem hard NOW, but if you kill yourself, you'll never really know what could happen. please stay strong, believe me, its worth it. you are not doomed and you will nto always feel this way. you just have to believe in yourself and you have to believe that things can change. just go out there and do your best. i know life can be h*ll sometimes. believe me, been there done that. but i do knwo you can get through it. it's hard, but you can do it. you're not a failure! you won't have to be stuck with these feelings forever, i promise. we all care about you so much here, and many others do too. we want to see you live! plesae, just stay strong, like the very strong person you are. you can get through this. it isn't over. you can get through this. please, don't give up now. you have too much to live for. you're such a bright, young, wonderful person. suicide isn't worth it! especially not for you. please trust me. i've been there before myself, and i know i can't completely understand what you're going through, but i want to try. i want to try and help you. i support you no matter what. i wish i was half the person you were, and had half of your strength. you are such a nice, caring person. please, don't give up. for now, just take some deep breathes. try to relax. exercise or go for a walk. watch a good movie, listen to some good music. talk so someone, anyone! a parent, friend, relative, counselor, me, someone. if you need to, call a hospital or the police. you can get through this. it's not too late. write, read, anything you can right now to get your mind off of this. because you will survive and you can be happy again. it's hard to believe right now, i know, but please trust me..i'm your friend and i wouldn't lie to you. please hang in there, and remember, i'm here if you need me.


or call 1-800-SUICIDE..it's confidential


contact me ANYTIME! i'm here for you and you're certainly not alone

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  • 3 weeks later...

think about it this way....


what you're going through today will be in the past tomorrow, it wil be gone, no more. As long as you keep you mind in the NOW and not in the PAST then only will you be on your way to happiness.


you see, the people who think they "screw up" all the time are only thinking of past incidences when they actually did. so when another mistake is made some think of that past incident and fuse it together with the present mistake thus thinking that you 'always" mess up.....if this makes any sense to you at all


What im saying is stop living your life based on past mistakes and mess ups. Its not worth your energy. you're only 18...you have your whole life ahead of you....probably you been told. good luck

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