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I think i have a Problem


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Hey people.... Em... i think i have a really bad problem with jealousy.

It's just my bf talks to alot of girls and i know he's in contact with his ex's eventhough he tells me he's not.... and i don't know why i just feel paranoid and jealous.

Well i'm not sure if it's more paranoia than jealousy... just when things got bad and i took him back as my bf... he emailed his ex like straight away and told her... like.. as if its any of her business!

i just dont understand it

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It sounds like he doesnt expect things to work out between you two. That is really the only reason for staying in contact with an ex, because if you two dont work out, he can always fall back on his ex girlfriends for attention.


I dont think you are jealous or paranoid at all, I think you need to think about whether or not you can tolerate this issue or not.

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yeah there has been many a issues with his ex's in this relationship...

at the beginnin he went to see his ex he just broke up with ALONE...

then later on he took his other ex to the cinema... yet again ALONE...

and then like when he broke up with me he txted n called the recent ex to get back with her... and it's just like everytime things go wring he tells them that we brake up and wateva and it gets on my nerves alot...


just like when we just finally sorted things out this time... and then he left his email open and there was a reply form his ex asking why we broke up.. eventho we're now together.. but she stil thinks we're split all the same...

do u think im right to be kinda paranoid that things will go wrong... cos i just have that feeling... like eventhough he is seeing everything as fine and happy... i'm just wondering when something else is guna go wrong... or when his ex will be there again


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It sounds like he doesnt expect things to work out between you two. That is really the only reason for staying in contact with an ex, because if you two dont work out, he can always fall back on his ex girlfriends for attention.


I dont think you are jealous or paranoid at all, I think you need to think about whether or not you can tolerate this issue or not.


I go with what Iceman said.

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He knows what he's doing. You have to make a stand against behaviours that you don't like in a relationship. Most people think that they should be tolerant in a relationship but that is wrong. It is exactly like training a dog: You enforce good behaviour and punish bad behaviour. And depending on their behaviour, you will know how much they think about you and respect you.

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Hey people.... Em... i think i have a really bad problem with jealousy.

It's just my bf talks to alot of girls and i know he's in contact with his ex's eventhough he tells me he's not.... and i don't know why i just feel paranoid and jealous.

Well i'm not sure if it's more paranoia than jealousy... just when things got bad and i took him back as my bf... he emailed his ex like straight away and told her... like.. as if its any of her business!

i just dont understand it

some of your best mates can be exs. remember that they arent together bow, hes with you, but they may still be pretty close as mates hence him telling his ex ye were back together. some of my best and trusted mates are exs

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