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How to move on from a long distance relationship?

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My relationship with my boyfriend of three and a half years ended a few weeks ago. For the last few months of our relationship we were long distance. The break up was a little messy but now we have sorted things out and are on good terms, however we're giving each other space so are not contacting each other.


How do you move on from this sort of situation? I still love and care about him a lot, but we aren't together because the distance was too hard and it would be years before we could be in the same place permanently again. Will the love just eventually fade - do I have to just wait it out?

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Yes the love will fade and yes you have to wait it out. There's no way to speed things up. Many here will tell you that you delay your healing if you stay in contact with him. So consider going no contact and sticking with it.


Keep busy with work, school, friends, family etc. Develop new hobbies, get yourself out with other people. In time you will feel better.

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Time heals all wounds, take it day by day.Breaking up was for the best. Long distance are very hard to mantain, even for people who are financially capable of visiting one another on a regular basis.


Having said that , you never know what the future holds. You may end up living near one another again some day.If it's meant to be you'll find each again. For now just go on with your life and let nature take its course

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