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M lost , need truly advice


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I am a girl who is in relationship since almost 4 year , I used to love him and everyone in my family and friend's know about it .. I like to make many friends specially in men , one year before I met a new Friend online .. He was interested in me , I told him not to waste time on me because m already in relation with someone els but he refused and said let's be just friend and if later you breakup with your Iove one make the second option you would date .. I just said OK to finish the conversation so we used to talk normally but not regularly and many times I used to ignore him . one day he said to me promise me that you will be my friend until you got married or something els happen , I promised him .. We were like that until I start having feeling for him , but I ignored this feeling because I was thinking about my current relationship and I was thinking how can I breakup with him after almost 4 years ..

My feeling for the other person gets strong day by day so I just told him that I fall for him .. I feel guilty for the first one , I decided to breakup with him and I discuss that with my friends .. All they were saying stay with the first one and don't be selfish , don't see the only love , you have to think about the time you spend with first one ..

Notice* my mother likes the second one more ..

Just please tell me if what m doing is right or wrong and if you were in my place what you would do ??

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Those people are completely ignorant. Deciding who you love is one of the few times in life you -should be selfish! If you are not happy and would rather be with someone else, do it. It may sound harsh, but you should drop Thing 1 like a rock and pick yourself up a brand new Thing 2. Unless you are married, you are under no obligation WHATSOEVER to stay with Thing 1.


Also, I'm anot advocate of "mother knows best" and mother dearest seems to be on the Thing 2 team.

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