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Trying to be rational


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OK so me and my boyfriend have been together since sophmore year in high school this November makes eight years. We've been living together for about four years and I am currently pregnant with our first child (neither of us had a kid before we met naturally). Now in the beginning around the second year and the fifth we had issues with being faithful where neither one was innocent but we both forgave and moved on. But I have a concern that since we are both still so young (were both 23 years old) he might have a moment of weakness while im swollen with pregnancy and even after when I'll be trying to get back to my regular self. Now I love him and I trust in him not to hurt us as a couple and as a family because we've been thru alot and still prevailed where a bunch of other couples have not but were only human and Im trying to find advice or other peoples situations that may shed some light on the future. I know no two couples are alike but I'd love to kno if anyone has ever survived a relationship with these kinds of problems and made it out on Top

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All you can really do is hope for the best.


There's no way of telling how things will pan out, but if he has enough love and faith in your relationship and especially since you have a child to think about now, he will do the right thing.


If not and another mishap occurs, I think it's best to re-evaluate the relationship.


Best of luck.

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I've been in your shoes with my current wife....of 20 years......we were much younger than you guys too when we had our daughter (19). We now have 4....hehe


#1 - BOTH of you read this book 3-5 times and study it. 5 love languages. This will help your relationship and guide you well. Trust me on this.


#2 - watch those closest to you (especially friends). Those have been the biggest hurdles in our relationship. Stay away from single people. Stay away from people that don't have healthy/good relationship (toxic relationship or bad ones).


#3 - Environment - DO NOT put yourself into environment that presents risk to your relationship. No clubs....bars or places people go to hook up. Also, there is way too much drinking/drugs going on at those places which can EASILY change a person instantly.


READ: It's your and his responsibility to stay away from ANY person or environment that possesses any risk.


Also accept that at that age, by being unfaithful, he or you are not trying to hurt each other. You simply lack enough self control to NOT listen to your private parts. I call it "penis or vagina thinking". When you are young, it's normal to allow private parts to do the thinking FOR you. Watch that closely, think with your brain!


# 4 - Companionship - be around each other. More the better.


#5 - Make sure BOTH of you make your relationship a priority in life, rest (friends, job, even child, family


I have 100s more....but that's a good start and that book will help you immensely!

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