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I am 29 years of age and have suffered a heartbreak that has torn me into pieces. I have been taken for granted and treated horribly just because he wanted to "live his life" and let go of me. Its been very hard and still is hard. I have to say that he just turned 21..(i know love took a toll on me) We really fell madly in love and i must say age was just a number to us at the time. Anyway...he broke up with me with the excuse that he was too young and needed to live his life. I have a 6 yr old daughter in which he accepted and loved. Well we have been broken up for 2 months already and I still cant let go. I call him and he humiliates me and tells me to leave him alone and all that and I STILL HAVE HOPE I hate myself for that. I love him so much. When we dont speak because I dont call then hecalls to see whats up because he wants to sex me and I fall right into his trap . I pick up the phone with the hope that he will say something in regards to getting back together. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I AM IN THE WORST STATE AND ITS GETTING WORSE INSTEAD OF EASIER

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I know the pain of losing a relationship with someone you love. When I was single, this happened to me. That was many moons ago at 18-19 yrs old and hurt like hell.


It's so hard also for you because he loved you and your little girl and took her into his heart. His having left you means he left both of you, similar to breaking up a family. To me, this is why relationships which don't require a commitment or have a conditional commitment can be so painful. People can just be together, have sex and give and share their deepest most intimate self, and then just get up when they want to and walk away. Hurts like hell.


I think it was a pretty selfish move on his part to do this. If you keep seeing him when he calls you, he may keep sexing you and this takes advantage of your vulnerability right now. I think the best, most healthiest thing for you and your daughter is to get as far away from him as possible. The pain will subside in time, as has mine. Now I wonder how I ever got into the situation that I had and am glad I never married the guy afterall.


If you can possibly distract yourself, try to do things you like to do, like I don't know, going to a show with your daughter and doing fun things like that. Your little girl needs you most right now, especially. Take time for yourself and go to a spa, salon, buy a new dress and treat yourself as you deserve. If you can, buy something for yourself you've wanted and not been able to. You've invested so much into this guy. Now it's time to invest more in you.


I'm tearing up on your behalf. I know how much it hurts. (I'm an empathetic person. ..scuse me)


Try to get out and do things you enjoy.



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I Know that you're hurting but you need to take control of your life and well-being. Its always hard to get over break-ups but believe it or not your world has not ended and everything happens for a reason. IF you're gonna live again you need to do it, if not for your self then for your daughter.


You have mentioned the age difference which is not a factor in some relationships but he has not mature as yet because he has yet realize what true love is and how you should be treated. Yes you do love him but its better that he decided to break it off with you b/c yall are on different levels, reading different books or the same book but different pages. He's not even sympathetic towards your feelings that yall shared a loving relationship together. He's not worthy of your love anyway.


Getting over any break-up maybe difficult but do you want someone in your life that will make you feel cheap and only wants you around for his convenience. Try the NC rule, DON'T contact him unless he contacts you and when he does be casual with him and let him know your doing fine. Don't agree to any meetings if he wants to meet, you can't allow him to treat you like this b/c obviously he still has some growing up to do so while he's growing up you'll be getting over him.


Hey keep your chin up and DON'T spend major time with minor people, you can do it!!!

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