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My boyfriend just graduated high school and will be going to college in the fall. I want him to go and I want what is best for him, but he's also going to be living 6 hours away. We've been dating for a year and ten months and I trust him with my life, he's my best friend, my lover, and I know he would never do anything to hurt me.

My only problem is next year i'll be a Senior and the people at my school are real meanies and he's the only person my age that has ever supported and believed in me. I love him so much, but I don't want him to go. We are still as strong as ever, but I tend to want to fight with him more and I'm mean to him! I wanna stop bein so mean but i like his comforting ways....It sounds stupid but I suppose I'm just doing it for his attention, i wanna know if there's any way i can stop doing like i'm doing!!!

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I know exactly how you feel girl. lord knows i would die for my boyfriend, i love him that much! sometimes i am very mean to boyfriend and pull up past issues for no reason at all! but i am about to go to counciling for that, mabey you should too. Also PRAY! that always helps, that is what i am going to do tonight! helping you guys out means so much to me and it brings a certain peace to my life.


you dont need to hang or depend on any of the losers at your school any way, just do what you do best and if you need someone to let your feelings out to, i am always here. you can just click PM at the bottom of this message to send me a private message.stay strong!


Good Luck

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You're upset over the concept of not having him around, and you're manifesting them into anger as opposed to just coming out and saying what you feel which is what you should really do. Long distance relationships are killers honey. They're almost impossible to work unless someone makes extensive sacrifices. I.E.- Moving or not going to the chosen school so as to avoid the LDR.

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