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falling out of love


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This is going to be a long one and I'm sorry but I just need to vent a little before I get to the point. Probably should have been a separate thread but it does involve falling out of love.


My girlfriend and I of almost 4 years just broke up 2 days ago. She initiated the break up with reasons of "we're unhappy and we are no longer on the same page."


Our relationship went through a big change at the beginning of this year. She became a police officer and encouraged me to quit my job so we could move closer to hers and I go to school full time using my GI Bill.


Anyway, a few months passed after she started her job when I noticed her attitude completely changed. She started to hold everything over my head about how she's supporting me (She paid the rent, I paid utilities and groceries, cleaned, cooked). She started to brag about all the money she was making, how it's a "panty dropping" job, and how I would never understand what she goes through.


The point of my story is that we slowly fell out of love with each other because our ideas of each other changed or our expectations? It quickly turned into a routine relationship... Dinner, tv, bed (sometimes sex with absolutely no passion)


I'm going through all the break stages in my mind. One minute I'm angry, next I'm endlessly crying, next I'm accepting that we've grown apart and I'll be ok.


I begged her to work with me on us as I have previously since this all started but I guess you just can't simply force some one to want to work on something they don't want anymore.


What hurts the most is that she still tells me she loves me.


The worst part of this, she waited until after her birthday to dump me. I threw her a surprise party on Saturday and got dumped on Tuesday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What happened is she lost respect for you --- hence the belittling. Sorry you had to deal with that. She sounds a bit mean and full of herself.


I've been spending some time with her since I have no one else where we moved to and it's made me realize how better off we are not being in a relationship. I've decided today that we shouldn't hang out anymore since it's painful for me and I realize it's still always only on her time.


It's time to do me...

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