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Advice with talking to a girl at college


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I'm not sure if this is the right category for this kind of thing...I apologise if it isn't. I'm new to this topic.


Before I start, I should probably mention that I'm a bit of a loser when it comes to relationships. I'm a 19 year old virgin and only had one relationship in my whole life which ended early October last year. Therefore, I'm not great at the whole talking to girls kind of thing so bear with me.


So I've just finished my second week of college. I'm in a completely new class with a few familiar faces and a few unfamiliar. On the first day in my new class I noticed a girl who I immediately found attractive. I ended up speaking to her on the Friday on the bus at the end of the first week. She seemed pretty nice and I feel as though we got along.


Anyways, the second week begins: and on Tuesdays we perform practical work all day. We all have a partner in practical which changes weekly and this week I got partnered wth this girl. We seemed to enjoy working together. She's very playful and likes banter a lot so most of our conversation was just me and her taking the mick out of each other in a playful teasing kind of way. It was fun.


Wednesday's the classes split so we're not together. Thursday and Friday I didn't speak to her at all. I wanted to approach her on Friday but she was with her friends. Now here's the issue: she hangs around with her friends a lot and they really don't seem to like me. I'm not sure why exactly but they've made it clear that they don't like me. I don't want to approach her when she's with them as I feel things will just become awkward and I don't want to cramp her style so to speak. But on that note, she doesn't have Facebook, snapchat or anything like that. She only ever texts people via her phone. I'm unsure on how to get close enough to ask for her number.


Should I just approach when her friends are there anyway? I'm hesitant to do that but I don't know what else to do, especially since it could be a while before we end up working together in practical again and the bus ride was purely coincidental. And ,y friends at college are likely to f the whole thing up so I need to be away from them too.


Thanks for the advice guys. Didn't realise this was so long until I read it. Sorry about that.

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A loser because you are a virgin and had only a relationship at 19. You are hard on yourself. Asking for her phone number would be just appropriate after days/weeks chatting with her everyday or so and since you are adults hang out a bit in your town. If you are too young to drink assuming you are American you can still have dinner with her.

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