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i think imight have an std.............PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

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today wasn't good at all, I don't know what it was but i keep getting really dizzy and my whole body felt like it was numb i selp in like four of my class and my boyfriend keep telling me that i looked peal and a little bit blushed. i feel like i'm falling apart. at first i was all worried and depressed about what might be wrong with me but now i just feel so weak and i want to give up. i feel like i'm complaining about it and that i need to shut up and do something instead of talking about it. i'm sorry if thats what i'm doing, i'm suppose to go get blood work done tomorrow so hopefully something will show up in that and then my mom would take it seriously. what are the chances that something might show up in my blood work, i wanna thank everyone for listening to me and giving me someone to talk to about whats going on................i have no one else to talk to about it and when i bring it up to my boyfriend i think that i'm starting to scare him so i don't really want keep on talking to him about it until i know whats wrong..............

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i just got back from getting my blood work done they should found out today or tomorrow how it looks. i didn't say anything about my stomach because we didn't go to a doctor it was just a place were they drawl blood and anyways i thought my mom made me an appointment today because she told me she would yesturday, but she didn't i think she was just sick of listening to me complain................i'll keep yall posted on the blood work

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...but I really can't believe that your parents are considering making you wait, unless you're a hypochondriac (you'd know better than I would, it's the only reason I can think that they would responsibly make you wait).


Other than that, this is something that is making people die every day. Not your particiular disease, if you have one, but people WAITING TO GET IT CHECKED OUT.


Did you know that most forms of Cancer are curable if caught early? Same thing with most diseases if you treat it in the early stages.


Someone on the board mentioned that you might be putting your ability to have children in the future at risk...much more than this is at risk. You're potentially putting yourself in a SERIOUS WHOPPING RECOVERY SITUTATION. The treatment might be 300% worse if you wait a long time. How would your parents feel about paying THOSE bills? Pennywise poundfoolish...


If your parents are still insisting that it's money that is the reason for making you wait, take your life into your own hands and go to a free clinic. Yes, you might have to wait a few hours to be seen, and the company might be a little on the rough side in the waiting room, but take care of yourself. It doesn't look like anyone else will...take everyone's advice here and take care of yourself.

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I'm sorry you weren't dealt the best set of parents. If they're not going to take care of you, you're going to have to take care of yourself. You'll have to grow up a little faster and start taking on some of the adult responsibilities. Tell us how the doctor's visit goes!

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I didn't even pay attention to the fact that your 16, they would have to call your parents any way.


Do they understand that physically you are not okay and the symptoms are bad? Here's an idea too, it's something I had to do to get my parents attention. ...My parents did the same as yours do ignored me and what not, I came down really sick and my mom refused to take me to a doctor. Well, I faked a seizure. What happened was in school, I needed to get the schools nurse's attention, obviously my parents were not receptive to the idea that a stomach ache was a major illness. So.....I did the seizure thing which meant she had to take me to a doctor right away. Use your school nurse as a medium tell her whats going on and then they will make sure you get care.

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I never got my blood work back either that or my mom is keeping it from me. I think she did that the last time i went to go get checked out i had asked her if she ever got my tests back and she said yeah that they were all ok but i know she didn't because that test didn't even come back yet the doctor said it would take a couple of days, but anyway that's old news haven't yet been to a doctor and i know i need to, i haven't really been hurting lately so i'm gonna wait until i start to hurt real bad again before i start to piss my mom off more well i guess thats pretty much it for now i'll let yall know when something comes up hopefully that will be soon

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ok... I'm done with this topic... if you're going to keep coming to a bunch of strangers over the internet instead of seeing a doctor in person, I really don't think we can help you. Fine, you feel better, but that's the way it is with a lot of illnesses... you feel bad for a while, then it goes away and you feel fine, but then it's eating away at your organs, and then you find out you can't have children. We've told you it can be an STD, a problem with your appendix, PID, this could lead to infertility, and all you talk about is upsetting your parents.


You know... my dad 15 years ago complained of being tired and having random pains. His doctor and even my mom just told him he was being whiny. Until my dad finally insisted that people take him seriously - he asked for blood tests, and it turned out he had leukemia, and he died 2 years later.


You're going to be a legal adult in less than two years, you need to learn how to take responsibilty for yourself! Fine, it's your body, do whatever.

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I really urge you to go to the doctors, its all confidential and if you go and it is std or anyhting else if they get to it on time it can make a lot of difference, its your body but if you dont treat it with respect it deserves you are putting your self in danger,


if it is a urine infection you could be damaging your kidneys, iv suffered a urine infection and if i had left it any longer i could have dammaged my kidneys,


your body is presciouce and very complicated you have to treat it with care

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