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  1. I never got my blood work back either that or my mom is keeping it from me. I think she did that the last time i went to go get checked out i had asked her if she ever got my tests back and she said yeah that they were all ok but i know she didn't because that test didn't even come back yet the doctor said it would take a couple of days, but anyway that's old news haven't yet been to a doctor and i know i need to, i haven't really been hurting lately so i'm gonna wait until i start to hurt real bad again before i start to piss my mom off more well i guess thats pretty much it for now i'll let yall know when something comes up hopefully that will be soon
  2. me and parents don't really get along, i just think this is their way of making me suffer. i really don't even think this is worth it anymore one day they'll realize what they've done until then theres nothing i can really do about it....................
  3. i just got back from getting my blood work done they should found out today or tomorrow how it looks. i didn't say anything about my stomach because we didn't go to a doctor it was just a place were they drawl blood and anyways i thought my mom made me an appointment today because she told me she would yesturday, but she didn't i think she was just sick of listening to me complain................i'll keep yall posted on the blood work
  4. today wasn't good at all, I don't know what it was but i keep getting really dizzy and my whole body felt like it was numb i selp in like four of my class and my boyfriend keep telling me that i looked peal and a little bit blushed. i feel like i'm falling apart. at first i was all worried and depressed about what might be wrong with me but now i just feel so weak and i want to give up. i feel like i'm complaining about it and that i need to shut up and do something instead of talking about it. i'm sorry if thats what i'm doing, i'm suppose to go get blood work done tomorrow so hopefully something will show up in that and then my mom would take it seriously. what are the chances that something might show up in my blood work, i wanna thank everyone for listening to me and giving me someone to talk to about whats going on................i have no one else to talk to about it and when i bring it up to my boyfriend i think that i'm starting to scare him so i don't really want keep on talking to him about it until i know whats wrong..............
  5. i'm pretty sure thats the soonest i can get to one, we still have to find out where one is at and my boyfriend has to work until 6:30 on school days and i have to be in at 6:30.......do you really think if i wait until the weekend that it will get that much worse or cause really bad damage.....
  6. i'm hope that it's nothin to bad, does anyone know how long until you get pid from an std, i think this weekend i'm gonna go get checked out my boyfriend is gonna find a place thats the soonest i can go
  7. me and boyfriend have sex at first we used condoms but then we started not to. most of the time he'll pull out befor he cums, but i was still woundering if i could get pregent
  8. i don't mind if you tell me, i would like to know what i'm up against. Me and boyfriend talked about it and he didn't act like i thought he would he was really supportive of it and wanted to bring me to the doctor himself so he'll be able to know what it was and that way i can recover from it
  9. i've been really worried here for awhile and i've been trying to seek help from anywhere i can. One site i looked up last night just sent me a thing back it said (DarkAngel: You probably have pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID. It is an STD, probably gonorrhea or chlamydia. It sounds like you have a pretty serious case; without prompt and proper treatment, you could end up sterile. GO TO A HEALTH CARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY! I am responding on Sunday--but go today, even if you don't see this until the evening and if the only possibility is an emergency department or urgent care center. Please don't mess around with this. Your ability to have children in the future may be at risk. Post a follow-up message in the future to let me know how it goes. Good luck-- HHH, MD) so right now i'm really freakin out, i don't know what to do, i know i need to get to a doctor real soon and i didn't want to have to bring this up to my boyfriend until i found out what was wrong cause i'm scared he might leave me, but he's all i can count on right now and i'm gonna see if he can take me...... thank ya'll for all your help
  10. i just moved to tx so i don't have any family here that would be able to help me. Me and my mom talked about it this morning and i was showing her werei got some more knots at (i have just way to many knots to count and i don't know where there coming from and it scared me) but my mom said that we were gonna wait for a couple of weeks before we go...because my dad is queiting is job and something about she wants to wait to get new insurance that way if there is something wrong with me she want have to switch it, but then she'll bring me to other doctor appointments that could be waited unlike this one.......... i know there is something wrong with my stomach i just have that feeling were you know your body and you know that something is wrong with it. the pain comes and goes but here lately it's almost everyday i have it....do you think that i should not have sex sense i'm feeling pain when we do.
  11. what am i supoose to do if i can't get to a doctor anytime soon. i've done asked my mom to make me an empointment and all she does is find things to push it away and say will do it at the end of the month and never does. i've been having these pains for awhile now but they just keep getting worse and new stuff just keeps adding to it. I also keep losing my hair which that could have nothin to do with it
  12. i am 16 and i think i might have an std. I've only been with two people, and here for awhile i've been getting real bad abdominal pain to where sometimes it feels like something is poping in mt stomach, and it hurts all the time, i've also been getting knots in my abdominal area there little knots under my skin at first i only had one then i had three now i have six, and when me and my boyfriend have sex it hurts. i can go for a little bit then all of a sudden i get this real bad pain in my abdominal area, I've also noticed that i tend to pee more often like when i'm at school i can go the whole day without using the bath room, but then here lately i've gotten to where i use the bathroom about three or four times just when i'm at school...........................So PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME......CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHAT MIGHT BE WRONG WITH ME
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