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Well, my grandmother passed away recentally, and so i've naturally been thinking about life. Mostly i was wondering if anybody has advice about life in general. Hopefully i can get some advice from people who have lived past 30 but any would suffice. Thank you for any thoughts you may have.

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I'm not past 30, or even close. But I'm mature, have faced some rough things and I can tell you a few things about life:


1. It's not fair. Nobody said it would be, and if they did than they are completely wrong. It's not, don't expect it to be.


2. It's what you make it. Someone once said, "Change your thoughts, and you change your world." I didn't quite believe that, until I did change my thoughts and quit being so negative then, life got better.


3. Don't take it too seriously. Make sure there is always that one person you can be totally stupid in front of, but never think for a minute you'll be judged.


Okay, I'll keep this short. Here's my 3 things I'll say about life. Don't know if that was what you were looking for...but I just felt like sharing.



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I highly recomend reading The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living.


I picked it up at the airport one day out of curiosity and thought to myself, "this is probably one of those books that talks in circles and never answers the question we've all been waiting for: What is the meaning of life?" But as I turned to the first page, the first sentance read:


I believe the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.


Wow! There was the answer, right there on the first page, and the book only gets better and better. The book is not religious at all either. It just talks about the Dalai Lama's philosophies on life with practical examples and applications.


The main thing I got out of it that changed my life was to surround your self with people, experiences and things that make you happy and keep away from things that don't make you happy. Simple, huh? It's also important not to compare yourself to others.


Good luck in your search.

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1. Find what makes you happy and do it.


2. You may not always come out on top but as long as you don't give up you are never defeated.


3. Don't let someone else ruin your life. It isn't worth it.


4. Know the difference between right and wrong and try to do the right thing even if it means sucking up your own pride.


5. Follow your dreams, make goals and stick to them.


6. Never give up, never stop trying.


7. Choose your friends carefully, you will never know who is really your friend until something tragic happens.


8. Follow your heart.


9. Don't rush your life by, take time to enjoy the small things.


10. Don't gossip and spend your time cutting other people down, when you do, it almost always comes back to bite you.


11. If you wouldn't want it done to you don't do it to someone else.

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- Life does not always seem fair but if you have a positive outlook and some moral support then you can get through anything.

- You never know when your life will end, it sounds harsh but it is a fact, so live every day as if it is your last!

- Only the weak give up, the strong will fight for their dreams and goals and prevail.

- Your life is your own, live it how you want to and do not allow others to try and make you think otherwise. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it.

- Making a mistake is a great thing to do, as long as you learn from it and try not to make it again.


I'll leave you with a little chinese proverb that i really like, it has many meanings so think about how it might apply to you in your life:

"It is easy to dodge a spear that comes in front of you but hard to keep harms away from an arrow shot from behind."

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It's about using your time here to create something that could've never occurred alone. Your life is NOT yours... It was given to you and it can be taken away... Life is about nurturing what has been given to you and giving it back to the world, more beautiful then it was before. It's about touching other people's hearts and how that touch is fealt and what becomes of your life. Life is about giving!!!!!!!!!!!!

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