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Do you think a Dumper get's angry seeing social media posts/pictures?


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OK I'm going to put my 2 cent worth in here from a personal experience only in the past few days. My ex and I have not spoken to each other in over 7 months (silence is bliss). When we broke up I deleted all her family from my FB and her as well. Now just the other day I got a PM from one of here brothers as we are involved in the same car group asking about something I had on my car and if I would look at swapping for his. We got talking and friended each other again on FB. He bought a new car the next day posted up and I commented on it, then so did my ex which i saw didn't go to her account as I don't think of her in that way and an hour later she has blocked me on FB..... So if she really was over me why would she be so upset at me, is it because I have moved on?? Because I'm happy??? I don't know but I think she is still mad for what ever reason.


She was the one who dumped me and it took her an hour before she blocked me on FB so I have no doubt she went to mine and checked it out....

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Some do some don't Mine got upset when i took her off because i could not look at her and her new BF (my replacement) So i said fine sent a new request weeks went by no accepting no reply,so I text and ask why and I thought you wanted to be be friends?..she Exploded on me told me i was harassing her scared her like how dare i message her...so I guess it all depends for the most part i don't think they care one bit. They say they do and say we can be friends maybe so they don't feel guilt or just refuse to accept their part hoping to keep you at bay.

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When I dump a long term relationship I could care less what he was doing. I've kept contact with my Long term ex-boyfriend's because I've always wanted to stay friends. The first one acted really cheerful and ok and lighthearted. I was relieved and feeling happy for him. Than he tried to kiss me and I had to back away.


So I cared that he was alright. And if we had facebook I'm sure i would have been happy to see him posting happy photo's of him and his friends and fam having a good time.


The only thing that I'm afraid of if I dump people is how much I hurt them. Seeing them happy again or not taking it so hard only makes me feel relieved. I'm glad when the pain is over. I never ever would feel jealous seeing my exes happy. Even if I am the dumped one I can feel happy about such facebook post posted by my ex-boyfriend (I have seen those) for at least they are happy now. What's the point in making each other miserable?


So no I don't think I would get jealous at those facebook post. I can't imagine.

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