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(Listen to your Favorite Song and Read this)


I can tell you what love is. Love is Life. Love takes over your reason for living. Love makes you nervous, love makes you strong, Love is well Love. Love is walking around the house uneasy, Sitting by the phone for hours right after you get talking to the (one), listening to music as i am now and your eyes tear up from just the thought or the picture of your lover standing there smiling. Love is for no reason , no plot, its just there. Love right now is making me happy and brings me up when theres noone to talk to. Love in itself for someone is so strong that is makes you go broke , quit jobs , move to cities , experience new things, you just cant control it. If you could control love you my friend you got a unique talent which is priceless.



You know when your in Love , If not then i can tell you. If you reading this and you cant stop as if you wrote it to yourself your in love. If you can look at your lover with a smile on there face and it drives you crazy of how much you care for them you in love. If you told yaself I will backstab myself for this person Yes you are in love. Ever sit in your room and cry or pace around for no reason or write letters or if you couldnt live without thinking about him or her for 5 minutes then you are in LOVE. I write this not for you , not for me But for Love and that Love drives me to the next day, to the next hour, to my next job and the next second that i breathe air. I wanna scream right now cause i can tell you and everyone thay i have experienced True Love for the First Time and I cant Keep talking.I think I will post again.

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Sounds like an idealistic love to me. It sounds like you are infatuated with love itself. Love isnt a complex or magical thing it is simply how you choose to define it. You can make it so that love means everything to you and that only a person you love can make you happy. Some people dont see love that way, I cant say that I see love the way you see it, I do believe there are some commonalities with people definition of what love is most people have a hard time explaining it.

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