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I posted a couple times and have been doing great at the no contact thing after my ex cheated on, lied to and left me for her "outta league friend" on October 31, 2004. After 4 years of dating- she dumped by phone and hide behind lies till Chrsitmas. She hurt me- so I have no want or desire to ever see or hear from her again. It has been a month since I've e-mailed her and finally found the truth....She still has a bunch of stuff of mine, but I couldn't care less about that anymore-not worth it......


So, I got online tonight and naturally my ex did so at the same time...I quickly put my away message on, she quickly did the same. Then she blocked her name from me and then sent this e-mail:


"There's something about the look in your eyes...something I noticed when the light was just right...it reminded me twice that I was alive and it reminded me that you're so worth the fight....


So what does that mean??? I hope she's finally realized her mistake and is trying to get me back......If so--I'd rather be single for the rest of my life before I ever want to talk to or touch her again.....I love hanging out and going to the bars with my friends she banned me from 4 years ago....

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Maybe she does wnat you back, but if you try to reel her in or even let her in, you'll onyl be doing it for your ego. You hopefully won't be doingit for any other reason, unless you are lying to yourself right now. And if your ego is the only reaons, which would mean you would only reject ehr soon after, then why bother. Move on.

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Are you aware it is not original but a quote:


There's something about the look in your eyes, something I noticed when the light was just right, it reminded me twice that I was alive, and it reminded me that you're so worth the fight." ~Incubus


Don't know if that means anything different but I thought you might want to know if you didn't already

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I've made my mind up: the day I found the truth "my closure", the night her and her friends dissed me and my friends at a bar (better then thou attitude) and how she abandoned me and our "son" Scruffy (my-dog lol).......I figure if she could happilly leave us and disappear then what would've happened if we actually got married and had an actual child...Our "Liam Patrick".....scaryyyyyyyyyyy


She will never hear from me again unless of an emergency. I will never lead her on. I have morals and character. I deleted the e-mail after copying and pasting it here. She has forever foolishly lost my trust, respect and friendship. I gave her my life and she gave me lies, a cowardly phone breakup and false "Lets be friends" hopes....4 years of my life are gone and I want them back...I'm now 27-we "were" planning to get married and start our family within the next 1-2 years........Now I have to start over. Anyways. Enough about her, I hate talking bad about people...The Big Guy Upstairs will continue to show me the light and I will happilly (sp) follow......Whatever is best for me will happen.


I now have my eyes set on a couple of honest, decent and attractive young women- who are not focused on my money. I just gotta build the kahoonas to ask them on dates rather then flirt .......My pick up skills are a bit rusty and I'm shy to boot lol....


DN- I wasn't aware that was an Incubus song....is it a newer one? If not, I'm surprised I didn't remember it.......

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