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Looking for ex boyfriend advice (private messaging)

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You've already made two posts about this exact same topic. I'm guessing you didn't like the responses you got.


You asked if it was "OK" to kiss him. Yes, it is "OK" because you don't need anyone's permission. But kissing him will not make him get back together with you if he doesn't want to.


He's leaving soon and wanted to be single when he left. I don't see how kissing him will make him stay or will make him want to have a long distance relationship if he doesn't want one.


And the "mixed signals" aren't that confusing. Yes, he still likes you a lot and probably enjoys spending time together. He doesn't hate you. But he told you he doesn't want to try to do long distance.


It's not all that confusing all. What's "confusing" to you is that what you want and what is actually happening aren't the same thing.

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