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My ex wants to hang out. Should I kiss him?

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My ex and I broke up 2 weeks ago. We have been friends for 3 years , but together for about 7 months. He is moving away in 2 months for school and didn't want to keep the relationship going (he was scared of being heartbroken, at least that's what he told me.) We both really love each other and he was my first love. He was just very bad at communicating, his last relationship messed him up.


Since the break up we have been really nice to one another. He gave me a ride home one day. We saw each other in class and he kept finding ways to be next to me/ touching me and would always smile when I look up. It gave me mixed signals that maybe he wants to try our relationship again or he just misses me. He hugged me twice and asked how I was doing and I said "I don't know , you?" And he said "Not that good..I miss you."


We were suppose to hang out before he left for a 4 week trip, but it just didn't happen. He texted me a huge apology and said he WILL see me when he gets back. I want to so badly. I have dreams about him every single night and I can't stop thinking about him. Our relationship was so great. We never got into any arguments or really any disagreements. He said this was the best relationship he has been in. We just broke up because of him moving. Although I am willing to try it out. He just has been back and forth about it.


If we hang out and things go well and I feel like he misses me could I kiss him? I want to so badly.

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Not a good idea. It'd only hurt you even more if he tells you that it doesn't change anything. The best thing you can do is move on and respect the decision he has made for himself. Most LDRs don't work unless both parties are 100% committed to making it work. He has shown that he isn't, otherwise he never would have broken up with you in the first place

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