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I'm never hungry

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I don't know what is causing this, but for the longest time I have never felt hungry. I'm in my teens, I work out 4 times a week but even though I lift/workout it doesn't cause me to feel hunger. I weigh 126 pounds and I'm 5'7. I do have body dysphoria and depression maybe that is playing a part in this but I don't know. Out of curiosity I started to count the things I eat during the day and it has all been adding up to around 600 to 800 calories per day. Everyone I know eats around 1500 to 2,000. But it's just I'm not ever hungry. Has anyone else, every felt like this before?

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Any drugs? Medications? Steroids?


If you're 5'7 male weighing 126lbs and working out 4 times a week, I would maybe have a check-up with your doctor about things...


Either way... You need to eat... If you workout as much as you say, you need to eat even more... If your body isn't getting what it needs it's not going to waste what little nutrients and energy you're giving it by building muscle (which is more metabolically demanding to maintain), and you're not going to see good progress. Whether you feel the hunger or not, you can't negotiate with your metabolism and you may be running the risks of malnutrition. So if you're really eating 600-800 calories a day, try snacking lightly even if you aren't really feeling hungry just to get your intake up to better levels (or re-examine your method of gauging proportions... You could just be measuring stuff wrong?)

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I can relate. I will go for a long time between meals before I start feeling hungry and even when I do, it doesn't take much food to feel full. If I were to eat the amount of food in one sitting that the average person does I will feel very nauseous. I know some people probably suspect I have an eating disorder but I really don't think so. I'm not fixated on food or calories. I don't try to not eat. Sometimes I will feel hungry but while waiting for the food (such as at a restaurant) the feeling will suddenly go away.


When I get stressed out or depressed my appetite really drops, so it is probably largely a mental component as well as GERD with acid or food backing up into my esophagus.


Have you seen a doctor about the body dysphoria & depression? Are you taking antidepressants?


I don't think you can get all of the nutrients your body needs in only 600 calories a day. Maybe you can try to slowly increase your calorie intake so your body can get used to it.

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