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It's the worst at night...

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It's funny... I can have a good day all day long, not miss her or get lonely or sad...


But as soon as I crawl into bed at the end of the day I feel like I'm alone in the world. And we didn't even live together so it's not like I'm used to her being next to me every night. I used to sleep so well, even alone, because I knew she was out there and mine... But now that she's gone, it takes hours to fall asleep. Night time is the hardest time anymore.

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my only suggestion is dont go to bed unless you're extremely tired. do something before to make yourself physically tired. for me, i go to the gym before i head home after work. then have dinner and then watch tv unless im falling asleep. dimming the lights or turning off the lights may also help when you're watching tv. HTH

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It's funny... I can have a good day all day long, not miss her or get lonely or sad...


But as soon as I crawl into bed at the end of the day I feel like I'm alone in the world. And we didn't even live together so it's not like I'm used to her being next to me every night. I used to sleep so well, even alone, because I knew she was out there and mine... But now that she's gone, it takes hours to fall asleep. Night time is the hardest time anymore.

My issue last night was I fell asleep early, which meant I woke up at 4am...two hours earlier than I needed to. Must have dreamt about her as I felt so terrible upon waking, and was soon crying my eyes out for the first time in two months!


I like the suggestion about doing something like going to the gym to make yourself so exhausted that you will fall asleep naturally.


I usually just leave the TV on really low, and set the timer to turn it off a couple of hours later, by which time I am usually fast asleep. But yeah, nights can be tough, you are right.

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