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made some mistakes..but now i want him so bad...

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a year ago i met this guy at my school. on valentine's day he gave me roses and tolf me that he wants to date me. but i already had a bf,so i said no. then he stopped talkin to me. after a couple months i started dating one of his best friends, but only for one 2weeks. after spring break i asked him why hes not talkin to me anymore...and he said he was waiting for me to make the first move or like talk to him. we hooked up..but i wasnt sure if im doing the right thing..because of his best friend..it was kinda weird..i told him that..and again he stopped talkin to me...after a month or so...we had this school celebration and we talked and hooekd up again...i dont know what happened then..i just know that this was a few days before our summer vacation started...i wanted to say good-bye..but it was too late..he already was at the airport....after summer vacation he didnt talk to me..fall wasnt easy for me..cuz my family had a lot of problems(my dad is very ill)...so i didnt think about him a lot...but know i feel better..i want this year to be better than last year...and i dont know..but i still like him..i kinda have feelings for him...but i dont know how to tell him that..cuz hes not talking...sb gave me his nr. so i wrote him a textmessage..just saying hi how are you and stuff..but he didnt write back..today i saw him at school for like a couple minutes..he looked at me once..but i coulndt talk to him..cuz there were many ppl standin with him..what should i do...should i write him another message and tell him what i feel...or should i talk to him at school( but thats very difficult)..i cant visit him..cuz helives in another city..i dont even no where....please help..

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I'd try to talk to him at school for a short time, then ask him to call you. Don't bring up how you feel, but think about how he feels. If he is looking and making eye contact, he is still interested. But he may be cautious, because you are on and off and on and off. Try just talking and then tell him you like talking to him. See if he gets the message to ask you to do something, if not encourage him to call you again. When he does, bring up some short of an apology about what's happened with you two hooking up and getitng nowhere. See how he reacts.

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I think you should be straightforward and honest you may get rejected but thats always a risk

he may feel some hostility or resent against you but i highly doubt it, or maybe he's hurt. You guys were on and off for such a long time and thehn it ended so fast its probably hard for him to believe that you might get back together

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