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Hey everyone,


I don't know if anyone knows my deal, because I've only posted a few times about it, but like everyone else, I was dumped, and joined this site to help heal.


I'm just writing because I feel like I've healed, and it feels really good to say that. I know a lot of people are trying to heal, and I guess this is just one of those "in time it happens" posts.


it's been a little over six months now since I dated her, and now I finally have my life back in shape. I am truly happy once again, and no longer feel lonely without her. I've changed a lot through this experience, and it really has been a blessing for me (although I would never have thought so before)


I'm finally back on top of school, and my social life is bringing a lot of fun times to say the least. I am content with where my life is now, and I think that is the best thing about it all. It took a lot of hopeless tears and painful nights, but now that I'm here, I really would never go back.


I have been in No contact since day one, and it has been my saving grace. I dont even think about her anymore, nor do I get the urge to know what she is up to. I have my own life, and no time to figure out hers. I have no more feelings, neither anger toward her or hurt from her, but just happiness that such a good thing came out of all this.


I just want everyone to know that it does happen, slowly, but happens none the less. And everyday is mine now, and I actually like it that way. The freedom I have, to do what I want when I want, is not a burden like I thought, but a blessing, because I am dictating my own life. I am in love, with myself and my life.


I wish everyone the best of luck in their own lives, whether it be healing, moving on, finding new love, etc. and just know that it is all a part of life. Thanks to everyone, this place is great.

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It's good to see you followed the NC rule to the letter! Unfortunately not everyone here understands how important it is. More people would be healed instead of hurt if they followed the simple easy steps of NC to the bone. People keep rationalizing and strategizing ways to get back into a relationship that's only a band aid soilution. EThose hurt should take a look at their own ego, pride, fear of failure, stupidity, and an unwillingnesss to listen to the advice from people on this board. I guess that's humanity's flaw.

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