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Help deciphering a flirty message; a puzzle


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OK, so I don't know if this message is flirty or not, so I'm hoping you guys can help


She and I have been talking for a few months. She's pretty shy, and the only time she'll really flirt is if she thinks I don't know what she's saying. She speaks English, Spanish, and Arabic, so she usually says something flirty in Spanish or Arabic.


Here's the conversation on her wall:


Her: Uoy evol I


Me: oot u vul ;-)


Her: About time lol


Me: oy oreiuq on roma im oreP !roma im, oreiuq eT

(Spanish and backwards for, "I love you, my love! But my love doesn't love me")


Her: Aha.aha.aha


Her: Ore orkitu payati moshakani mashakuya ja ni ja


Just to be clear, we're not at a point of saying "I love you" or anything like that, so this is more fun and flirty than a sincere "I love you".


I commented that I had no idea what that last one meant, and she just replied with "Hahaha".


I've tried everything I can think of. I've looked up several languages, backwards and forwards, including letting Google Translate's autodetect have a shot. I tried anagrams, I tried pushing letters from other words together (like "ore orkitu" to be "oreo rkitu"), but nothing.


Keep in mind that she tends to spell things in a conversational way (eg, "por k" instead of "por que"), so it's possible that the spelling could be off, too.


Do you guys have any idea what she might be saying here?

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That's about all I could figure, too. I think that "ni" HAS to be a conjunction in pretty much any language, unless it's spelled backwards and she means "in". Either way, algebraically, "x or x" or "x in x" doesn't make sense.


Later, she said that it didn't mean anything, so it most likely is just gibberish. But knowing her, I think it means something cryptic and she just doesn't want to tell me. It's probably like a secret made-up "twin" language between her and her sister or something! LOL


Thanks, Star

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She's a Scorpio, and has the darned strangest sense of humor sometimes, so I never know when she's lying or telling the truth. She SAYS that she just made something up and has no idea what it means, but I don't know if I believe it. It's too thought-out, you know?


I mean, "made up" would imply something like "jfdjlk iiuoernm vcxhf eklelkj". But this follows a logical vowel-consonant sequence, and the "h" always follows an "s" (there's never a "khr" or whatever that wouldn't work), so I don't think it's gibberish. I don't even think that it's out of order or backwards.


And I did find that "ja ni ja" can mean "off you go" in Hindi, even though the words by themselves don't translate like that:


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She has sent a few messages in Hindi before, but it's not a strong language for her, so it's possible that she's trying to say something in Hindi and it's not translated correctly.


I'm convinced that there's some meaning here. She clearly doesn't know me well enough to realize that I'm not going to sleep for about 3 days, trying to figure it out! LOL

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I'd hate to be *that guy,* but if you're gonna flirt with her in Spanish, don't use querer. We say "te quiero" to anybody! "Amar" is what you're looking for, though I wouldn't use it yet if you two aren't officially dating in any way.

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