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Love? Oh no!!

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I have been dating this guy for almost a month now, and things have been going pretty good. I actually met him again after four years(he went to my highschool and was my crush), the day I broke up with a long term bf. Anyways, long story short...last night he tried to tell me he loves me. He's really shy and I could tell it was hard for him to say, but he insinuated it.


Since I am his first gf since highschool (he's 22), he asked me how people know they are in love. I told him "you just know"...the thing is I don't feel it for him. I just enjoy spending time with him...should I tell him that I'm not feeling it before he blurts out those three scary words to me?!


I couldn't say it back to him and am so afraid he'll be very hurt. He's already super sensitive...should i break it off before he gets really into it? I'm really worried about this, I know it's too soon to be saying words like that. Am I right?



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If you are never going to feel it, then break it off now. It feels good to be with him, but it will hurt both of you if you end it after becoming more attached. I've been on both sides.


If you are on the road to feeling it, or might, then tell him. Let him know in vague terms that he should take his time and he might get to where he wants to go. Don't be in a rush to get there, because then he might not.

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Like a previous poster said, if you don't think you'll ever fall in love with him, you should break it off.


However, my guess is that you just need more time. If that's the case, break it to him gently. Yes, I think you should address it first before he has a chance to bring it up again. That will save him the embarrassment of you not saying back to him that you love him.


Maybe you could just mention how much you like him and enjoy being with him and you can see yourself falling in love with him someday. That will let him know you're not there yet, which I think is the important thing here.

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