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Trying to get out of an eating disorder!!help

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ALright so as u know i do have an eating disorder, if u saw my other posts u would kno. i was even at the breaking point where i wanted to end my life. It was literally eating me up inside. and still is. ok its been 2 years since i had an eating disorder. and i just feel like no matter what i do or try nothing works. im determined to get through this on my own, i just want a few pointers on how to get through this and be able to keep my weight down. any clues. idk if nothing works i guess ill just have to go back to being anerexic. and i dont really want to do that. so thats why im turning here hoping for some help. thanks

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Well having an eating disorder is deff. not a good thing to have. My best friend (before i knew her) was balemic and she got dangerously skinny and un healthy, it also made her have horrible depression. I have tried to be anorexic and balemic, niether worked because of my diabetis, the anorexia would make my blood sugars way way too low and the balemia would make them jump and i got put in the hospital after two weeks and gaind back almost dubble what i had lost in the process.

There are ways, i know, I have a hard time finding them too, but going with a eating disorder is not acceptable and it isn't really losing it, 'cause when you stop it will come back FAST AND MORE(the weight).

I would suggest looking into the weight watchers diet, or making a meal plan for yourself and telling yourself you can eat three small meals a day and a healthy snack if you can't stand it.

the weight watchers has worked for my mom(lost almost 100lbs) and little sister(lost 30lbs).

hope i helped a little.

love Qtpie87

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You need to see a doctor and find out if you are really overweight or if you just see yourself as being overweight. There is a big difference and you might not even need to go on a diet...especially if you're at a healthy weight for your height. I suggest seeing your doctor/nutritionist ASAP.

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I don't know to be honest i haven't ever tried it. but im sure it wouldn't hurt at least not as much as an eating disorder. They actually have a new slim fast optima diet where you eat what you want out of a choice of foods they give you and then you drink the slim fast.

One of the most important things you need to remember and this is my problem a lot of the time also, is to know that it isn't going to happen over night. It will take a few weeks to see a diff and it might not be a huge one. just hang in there and keep trying. Oh and I don't know if you have this problem, but i sure do, but if you aren't hungry and you want to eat and you know it's just because you're bored you need to find something to do to take place of that habit.

don't starv yourself either though, just make sure when you do eat snaks and meals that they are healthy for you.

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I was exactly your age when I recovered from anorexia myself. My approach was not very healthy at all. I was not ready to be open about the problem and all I cared about was what everyone thought of me. So, I tried to gain alot of weight fast to stop people from talking negatively about my eating disorder. I figured I would just starve it off whenever people liked me again (brain is fogged during eating disorder). I wish I would've recovered in a much more healthy way. I binged on junk food and as a result, I have really unhealthy eating habits.


But enough about me...I would first advice you to immediately just focus on feeding yourself the nutrients your body needs. You can focus on this while still feeding yourself less calories if you find the idea of putting on weight too fast too much for you.


Try to eat three times a day. It will really help your brain to stay more focussed by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. Try rich soups like lentil soup. Almost any soup has great nutrients. They are filling; usually rich in fibre; and feel-good food. Try to add in some baked potatoes. Lean proteins like shaved turkey and the like will also help.


If you are an athlete or into high energy sports...you need to refuel your muscles with glucose after strenuous excercise. Think about having something with sugar in it after sports...like a slurpee or a potatoe or something...not salad!. I assure you it goes right back into your muscles and give you that sexy muscle look that alot of models have.


Don't be afraid of putting on too much weight. Anyone who has suffered from anorexia does know how to control their weight. You do have control over your weight. You are simply making the choice to try to add a little meat to your bones in order to be your healthiest.


I found good motivation for myself to put on weight was the fact that I lost my period and I didn't want to lose my womanhood and ability to have children. I saw how attracted most guys are to meatier girls with hips and breasts. I wanted to be able to hang out with my friends at restaurants actually be able to eat! And I wanted to be able to fit into the clothes in the hip stores again.


Do you have any specific questions?


Good luck!

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