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Heya! This is for all you guys out there. I need your opinion on something. How many of you find shoes like this to be attractive? My boyfriend thinks they're hot and wants me to wear them in the bed room (he has a thing about shoes). I have dressed up for him and worn sexy shoes, etc... But they were things that I liked as well. It's when he shows me shoes like this that I have a problem. The only people I've ever seen that wear shoes like this are strippers and porn stars. It bothers me. I don't mind wearing semi-trashy shoes for him but I can't stand that he wants me to wear things that SCREAM Jenna Jameson. I told him I think the only reason why he thinks shoes like these are sexy is because he subconsciously associates them with pornos and strippers. He says that all guys think they're sexy regardless. I'll be his dirty little girl if he wants me to. But asking me to wear stuff like this is like asking me to be someone completely different. That's why it bothers me. And I don't have a problem with role playing either. It just makes me feel like he wants someone extremely trashy (shoes like these). I could play a french maid with out feeling trashy but I couldn't wear something like this. What do you guys think about them? Here's the link to the shoes.

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I think they're awful.

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I had a look. I think if I had a bf telling me that he wanted me to wear those in the bedroom I'd say "what on earth for"? I certainly wouldn't bother if I were you, you're obviously not into the idea, and they look like a waste of money.

When it comes to wanting two different things like that, it's good if you can see the humour in it together and then move on to the next thing. I couldn't help having a bit of a giggle if it were me.


btw... this post is only edited because of my typos. I blame shift work

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Those shoes are more than ugly... But to each his own. Don't spend a whole lot on shoes that that, that you are only putting on for show, but if that is what he likes, then let him wear themmm I mean just wear them, who cares....I thought it was disgusting when my old guy wanted me to wear shoes like that, he even went to the trouble of showering me with quarters, not even dollar bills mind you!!


I still hate those ones that he ordered originally, but I will occasionally wear them or some that are a little like the ones in your case...guys just see sex as a porno in their heads. It really isn't an act of love and affection every time...oh well, what are ya gonna do??

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Personally, I don't like them. You're right, they're porno shoes, and to be blunt you'd probobly look like a hooker wearing them. Granted, some guys get off on that (having they're partner dress like a pornstar/stripper) and i'd assume most guys have some kind of kinky fantasy that turns them on, but remember that as far as the relationship goes you're half of the equation. Its not just about him, its about you and what you like and are comfortable with as well. From your post it sounds like you're willing to play to his fantasies and it seems like you enjoy it to a degree as well, which is great for both of you. Only go as far as you're comfortable going however, and let him know if his suggestions make you uncomfortable. I'm sure you're more important to him than the shoes, so he should be wiolling to let that fantasy go for your sake.


Just my opinion, hope it helps.


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Well, they don't do much for me - I'd probably run a mile if I saw a woman tottering along in those!!! Then again, I find high heels a bit of a turn off so maybe I'm just biased? (Although, reading other replies...)


If you're happy to wear 'em for him fine, but otherwise I think you need to discuss things with him.

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don't you think you will be too tall to wear that shoes?....

i think there are more shoes that looks better than than and looks sexy too.you don't have to wear that shoes if you are not comfortable wearing it.stiletto looks sexy and but not trashy , trust me!!!

no particular shoes will make u look sexy as long as you are comfortable with it, confident , and posture, anything can look sexy.

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