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worst news to hear after break up


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Look at it from a positive viewpoint, you don't have to wallow and dwell on a possible reconciliation ...it's over now, now you can really just focus on you and your own well being. My ex wife hooked up very soon after she left me and I know that it must've been an ongoing affair so I was able to redirect my feelings of sadness and despair to acceptance and resolution. She's gone..ancient history...old news etc. Over time it gets better. Just make new memories in your new life and soon enough there comes a new normal...it's been a year for me and while there is still residual pain it's nothing like the early days of agony. The way I see it she's someone else's problem now, I got her off the pedestal and know she is not now who she was. We had great times but that's over and life moves forward..take care

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