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Fiances disrespectful infront of kid


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It was my fiances birthday and everything was fine.. We started having a discussion about disciplining a dog and he got worked up told me I don't know dogs and implied a dog needs a good hit if they deserve it and I argued you don't need to hit a dog to train them. I asked would you hit a kid then if they misbehaved and he said if they deserved it ya. Mean while his 6 year old is right there. He straight up said he would hit a kid and a dog if they deserved it. (Not only that his ex (mother of kid) in the past was in an abusive relationship where the guy beat the out of her and her daughter witnessed it a few times) I thought it was ridiculous he's say that infront of his kid. I told him that's called abuse and that's how you get your kid and your pet taken away and he got mad at me and told me to shut up (infront of her) so I responded to that and said do not be rude and disrespectful to me there is no need to tell me to shut up especially infront of her. He read used to apologize. The rest of the night we didn't talk and he got into bed with his kid to watch a movie, when I told him I was having a bath he said whatever and asked what my problem was. I said nothing and then text him infront of saying it infront of the child and I said my problem is you owe me an apology. Then the stupid text fight started. I slept on the couch. He didn't care, continued to be an and fight continued the next day through text while I was at work. He still refuses to apologize and understand that he started a fight and was rude to me infront of his daughter.


Then this happends... His dog passed away months ago and before so I adopted a rescue dog. We searched together looked together went and seen several puppies and rescue places and then found my dog went and got her together and look after her together. Since his dog passed he's wanted another one. We looked and looked and nothing worked out. A few months passed and then literally less then a week ago he finds one, sends me a pic and tells me his name. The next day he went to go see him. Without me because he was to impatient to wait till I was off work because other people wanted the dog.. And then the day after that he asked if I could be late for work to get the dog I said I can't.. He asked if he could borrow my truck and I said no (there is reasons for this) so the following day (yesterday) when I went to work he called up his ex and they brought the dog home.


My feelings are hurt because I took care of his dog like my own, I found my dog with him TOGETHER.. And I refuse to let his attitude to until he can grow some balls and apologies for his attitude and now my feelings are more hurt because I had no involvement in getting this new dog what so ever. And he just brought him home within 3 days.. With his ex.


Am I in the wrong?? He then proceeded to call his mom this morning and talk me to her. To ask "her opinion"


I feel he's been completed inconsiderate selfish disrespectful and rude to me this last few days but I am the one in trouble because I haven't let it go because I feel I deserve an apology.


Sorry about all the weird spelling and missing words, auto correct on my phone and I typed it out quickly

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