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trust? how can i move on from the past? Am i just paranoid?

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Hey....ok well here goes my problem. i'm not a very trusting person when it comes to relationships due to the fact in pretty much nearly every single one of them so far i end up being cheated on or hurt badly. My last relationship was with a guy whom i thought was the 'perfect' right now guy until i discovered he was cheating on me with five different girls. i was also assualted a year or two ago, which is where i believe my distrust in the male species began...... however i am now i am with another guy who claims to love me and says he will never cheat on me. however i am still not positive. ok this is how my distrust began with my new boy. i caught him telling one of my supposed best friends how great her boobs are and how beautiful she is when he thought i was asleep. to me that isn't a very boyfriendy thing to do!! he has apologised for this though and told me she was upset and he was trying to make her feel better. um but why was she talking to my boyfriend while im asleep and the same for him? ok so can any1 help me out here with what i should do. Am i just being paranoid or should i worry?? thanks in advance for any advice.

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First of all,I don't mean to sound rude or anything but you are only 16 years old.Do you even realize how many more relationships that you're going to go through over the years?And you're just going to look back at this relationship and laugh.Trust me.And I'm sorry,but your boyfriend was definitely hitting on that girl.There were plenty of other things he could've said to make her feel better besides telling her her boobs are nice.And obviously he doesn't have any respect for you or he wouln't have been talking to her while you were asleep.What a jerk!!I think you need to do a lot of thinking about whether or not you want to stay in this relationship.I hope you don't think I'm being mean,I'm just telling you like it is.Thrust me,I've been with a lot of jerks myself.I just really hope you realize that you deserve way better before he does something else that is going to hurt you even more.Good luck!!

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I would say forget him, making those kinda comments while he thought you weren't listening. Let me tell you what happens.....


I let my husband get away with that in the beginningand now my relationship is a tangled mess!!! He comments on other womens thongs, and this and that but its suppose to just be OK because he is "just like that" yeah he too tells me he would never cheat on me, then I found an email from his boss that said whats up sexy butt~ ya put up with it now it will continue....

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