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Ex and some dude watched 50 shades of grey together.


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Yeah as the title says...


I havent seen the movie myself or know whats it about, but based on what I saw on the trailers, thoughts of her and some other guy doing some of those scenes, is sort of frustrating for me (it should be me). My ex is a strong willed woman but is really submissive in bed and that really turns me on. Its sort of hard to find partners like that, like Ive had dull girls or super crazy girl ones - those turn me off..


Sorry this might come off weird or funny.. and I might sound idiotic to base some % of my relationships through intercourse but its really frustrating..


(sorry random rants)

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How do you know this? Best not to look, read, hear about what your ex is doing! No good comes out of it, as I'm sure you can see now. Just pure torture. Ignorance is bliss in this case.


checked her instagram, and yes it is torture.. gonna stop from now on.. (sigh)

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OMG...the Fifty Shades of Grey aftermath....I think you're being too paranoid and put your nose where it shouldn't belong in what your ex is doing.


That said, many young women have gone to see this movie. I think it's about 60 % of the people who went. It's mostly because of the hype and shock value it gives the audiences. I seriously doubt your ex will perform these actions, as they're borderline abusive. People can argue however they want, but the type of BDSM that's in the book has been classified as abuse at times.


If your ex is as strong willed as you say.....she won't let someone abuse her. Now unfriend those social media sites you have with your ex and tell your friends to shut up about her.

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checked her instagram, and yes it is torture.. gonna stop from now on.. (sigh)


Yes it is torture because you are taking that information and adding details. You know she went to the movie and suddenly you are running all sorts of scenarios incorporating what you know about her sexuality. None of these scenarios may even be accurate or true. Deep inside you know her life will continue. Be strong and avoid giving your imagination any more information to dwell on.

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Poor Some Dude. Just knowing she dragged him to see that movie should make you happy you weren't with her for that torture. Not that I've seen the movie, but I did read four pages of the book while standing in Barnes and Noble. No good could come from the crappy writing. I bet he dumped her afterward. I'd dump my Mister if he took me to see it.


The Story of O, however….that's a classic.


And OJK, it's not at all hard to find women like that. They're everywhere. In fact, they filled the theaters to see that movie this weekend. Let your desires be known and someone will happily step up.

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