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I posted my story here a while back. As a refresher, I got dumped by my ex from a 2.5 yrs of a long distance relationship. We got cold and the distance got farther, she took all our plans of closing the distance, getting married and we both took on separate paths, this was last November...


I have been moving on just fine. Picked up a second job and keeping myself busy. When I have time, I go out with friends and some dates here and there. I have been planning my future, planning on trips, how I will reinvent myself and pursue my goals... I think I have been moving on just fine...


Until just now... my friend just texted me... saying that my ex moved here... in the same town... with the same circle of friends...


Im just literally destroyed, felt like my heart jumped out and back... felt like back to zero... all these thoughts crossing my mind... why is she here? after dumping me? she didnt have to be here, it was easier when shes so far...


I dont know how I'm gonna deal with this... especially if we cross paths... the distance never gave me a chance to fight for my love a few months ago... why now?

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Just keep doing what you're doing. Some of us have to even see our ex's regularly - kids, mutual property - and we get through it.


Something that helped me was practicing running into my ex. I worked with a drama therapist to deal with having to see and communicate with my ex on a regular basis. Being prepared helped a lot. Imagine different scenarios and how it might be best to handle them. What would you say? How would each of you react in your mind? Tap into your inner James Bond (or your icon of style and sophistication) and ask yourself, WWJD? (What would James do?)


You can do this!

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You could also meet with her and get some answer of why she's in your town and what you expect from her when both of you are in the same place. Why have a mystery of why she's back. Step up instead of stepping back; you deserve some answers. If she's rude to you then you know she's not worth your time anymore

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You could also meet with her and get some answer of why she's in your town and what you expect from her when both of you are in the same place. Why have a mystery of why she's back. Step up instead of stepping back; you deserve some answers. If she's rude to you then you know she's not worth your time anymore


It's not his town. It's a town. He can't make her move; she can live wherever she wishes and owe anybody answers. Making silly demands will make OJK look like a complete ass. Their relationship is over. Of course she's not worth his time anymore - they aren't in a relationship.


He needs to work on himself and his healing, practicing self-care. We can only control ourselves. Nobody else.

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Got my answer, I talked to her friend she assured me that shes only here for work and I should let go of all hopes about reconciliation and just let go. Not gonna lie, for a few hours I was thinking about it, how it may happen, and what it would be like.. We broke up very distant from each other and now shes in an arms reach, part of me was hoping for it, I should know more than anyone, that I have to stop lying to myself..


Thanks a lot guys for the read...

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