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Talking to other girls online


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I agree, only if flirting were to come into play. I have convos online with several folks (some I've met on here), and sometimes, you just want an outside opinion or another perspective. Keep it light and loose, or even if it goes into deep feelings or issues, as long as there is no flirting, then I wouldn't worry about it too much.


If it is a concern though, then the couple should talk about it openly and honestly. You have to have friends outside of the relationship....

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Well I dont talk to other guys online,I have old friends on my list but I barely talk to them nowdays.When I go online is mostly to talk with my bf.But he talks to other girls.Thats ok with me cause I know he has a lot of female friends,he even had this friend at college that he used to go to her house to study with.Some people would probably get jealous but I didnt,cause I trust him.

But then the other day he was telling about this girl his friend introduced him to online and that he had seen her,and when I asked how come? he said she had a webcam.So I was like ok,but I cant deny something bothered me,I dont know why? I never talk to his friends,he wouldnt even care about giving me their e-mail addresses.I guess cause I dont do it I kind of feel like its not 'that' right,but maybe I'm wrong,right?

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Well, as long as he's not flirting with them, I wouldn't worry too much. You said the key to the whole issue - you trust him. As long as he doesn't do anything to break that trust, and as long as you talk to him about the things that bother you and he reassures you with his words and his actions towards you, you'll be just fine!


It may be hard to understand it all because you don't do it, but you sound like you've got a pretty solid head on your shoulders!

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erm to some extent, im only human. i dnt think i'd be too jealous unless it lead to something more than just talking.


i know that he gets jealous of me talking ot other guys, cos hes worried he'll lose me, but hes nothin to worry about, because i love him so much.


qt xxx

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qt, as long as HE knows he has nothing to worry about, you're okay! And, showing him in little ways and telling him exactly what you've typed here will go a long way to him trusting you with your friends and your online friends!!


I think because of some of the 'horror stories' about online friendships/relationships, some people tend to over-react when they find out their significant other has online friends... As long as we do what we can to alleviate those fears with that person, then we're able to build strong, trusting relationships...

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well... if we are talking abou gf and bf... and because in these days for some people looks is all that matters... I'll say that a guy or girl could get pretty jelous if he/she finds out that his/her guy/girl is talking to someone significally a better looker than he/she is....


But if you ask me... I would shore don't care and it would not matter to me at all what so ever.... Since I don't have a gf....

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I probably would have been jealous and worried if he was talking only to other females a few months ago, but we have progressed to where I really trust him. I know he talks to girls who are his old friends from highschool occasionally, and I'm completely fine with that. I guess it would probably bug me a little more if these were girls he's just newly meeting and got their screenname to talk online. I can't exactly explain why. I guess I just don't understand why he'd want their screennames while he's with me. I know that he wouldn't do that because he's really not interested in meeting other girls, but atleast now I've thought about it!

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Yeah,like I dont get it,cause there's no necessity to be online talking to people you met there,you can meet people in real life.I mean,its ok if you have some online friends but not like be looking for girls or guys online to talk to,especially if you have a partner,right?

I go online to talk with my bf cause we're far awary right now.And I have some friends from higschool there.But its not like I go looking around for guys to talk to.This is not what my bf does either,but his friend does,and he was the one who introduced him to 'this' girl.And my bf says that because she's a friend of his friend,he has to talk to her.And what I mean is,I dont ever talk with his friends and I've met them in real life,lol,so its not like he says that he 'has to',right?

Anyway,looking forward to more opinions.

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Well you have to know that its different if you find someone that needs help like... here... one enotalone... If you find some you can help why not help them and talk to them? Thats different from going somewere and just loking for girls your age to talk to.


Thats a comment that I added...

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I agree... Talking with someone you meet on sites like this one really is different... I mean, things kinda start out as just helping or whatever, but sometimes those conversations can turn into friendships. As long as the person isn't flirting or more, then I don't see the big deal... I don't care if you meet people in person, online, via pen-and-paper - whatever... Most of us can always use another friend...

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Of course I would agree this is different, we are all here to help each other out in times of need. I am talking about places like Hotornot and myspace, where people go to meet each other.....I wouldnt date a girl I knew was on there or participated in that kind of website.

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