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Panicking about becoming independent


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Hello... I'm panicking (as usual haha) but for different reasons...


For the first time I'm starting to become independent. First time EVER! I'm so petrified what if I become living on the streets... I did my research about pay rates and apparently (cos I haven't even started to earn yet but it's gonna happen in time soon) so, my earning is gonna be around $550 a week... from that I have to pay rent in an expensive city so I might find share accommodation to begin with so let say accommodation is $250-300 ... Will I survive on that pay rate? And I'm panicking most cos I don't think I'll be able to budget to save and buying a property even a small room in the city I want to live in is almost impossible to afford... very very expensive city. I'm so scared of becoming old, unable to work and won't afford rent ... any advice please? I'm freaking out!

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Well how do people save and make a living on that salary alone? what about people who work as waitresses and still pay for rent and other expenses from their waitressing salary which is similar to the figure I gave? HOw much savings do you think i need to have? is $6000-$10000 enough to have for rainy days? and how long will that savings last considering I get too many rainy days moving to a new city... I haven't moved yet but after I finish my diploma and get some work experience in my field I'm contemplating on moving on... how do people survive? how much money do I need?

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