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OK - Its been about a week since the "no Contact" - please hear me out - I thinks its just wrong for her to say; "Ill be out of commission for a week/i need to be alone, sorry "- I will not text/phone/stop by, etc., but im thinking of dropping off a letter saying if u dont want us to be anymore, so bo be it - will take like a man, but also say thanks for all the goods things we shared and clean my side of the street instead of waiting around for a "maybe we shouldnt c each other" yes, ill be pissed if I just get a "Thanks for understanding" cause i want to know y , Whattya think people?


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I don't think that dropping off a letter is going to help matters any. I suspect that you know why she needs to be alone (or at least have a good idea), so all you'll be doing is contacting her when she asked you not to.


At this point, it's up to her to contact you and tell her the resolution of her time alone. If she doesn't contact you after, say, the 9th day (2 days after the end of the week), then I think it's safe to assume that her resolution isn't exactly in your favor.


Sadly, people that lack the courage and courtesy to tell you that it's over (they just expect you to read their mind) aren't likely to give you a straight answer as to why, either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

She said I'll be out of commission leave me alone for a week without explaining herself? I mean that's pretty selfish and you're a person not a pet that she can just boss around and go cold on when SHE needs time. You guys are in a relationship and if she needed space she should have talked to you about it like a mature adult.

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