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Long-distance relationship - Does thie really work?

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I currently live in a different country from my boyfriend of two and a half years, but hopefully it will no longer be a long distance relationship when this September comes.


As for positive thoughts about it, well, it's like a test... if you can make it through the distance, you can make it through almost anything... Yes, there are times of loneliness and sadness. However, it really forces you to learn some things about yourself. It's kind of good to have the space from your significant other, but at the same time it is very painful.


Are you doubting that this relationship will work because of the distance or because of other factors in your relationship? If it's the distance, I would say give it a try, but if there are other things that are problems in your relationship, the distance could make the problems a lot worse...

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they can work, but they require a lot of hard work. main things that ned extra work would be things like communication and trust


im in a ldr. bn in it for over a year and half and its very difficult. going through some very rough patches, but i love him and want to be with him more than anything. if your strong, it will work


good luck


qt xxx

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Iv been in a long distance relationship since june and it is hard work but if your are dertimened to make it work then it can, you both have to put your all in to it but i think it can be done,


I will be moving to be with my ldb on july and i truly cant wait!!


so think positive and just take it as it comes

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my LDR broke up two months ago, very sadly on both our parts, but i recently read a book called "long distance relationships: the complete guide" by gary guldner (sp?), i think, that seems to be really really good....the other ones i read were not as helpful.


i would look at it for sure. there is no statistical reason why a long distance relationship won't work as well as a close-proximity one. the breakup rate is basically the same.


let's just say i should have read this book when we went from living closely to LDR. it gives all kinds of scenarios and very good advice.

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Congratulations with the baby to come!!


Sometimes I fantasize about getting a baby from my LD bf, as a mini version of him that I can keep close to me while he is so far away... [deep sigh]


If you get to choose whether or not to enter in a LDR, I would say: don't. There is so much pain involved. I consider myself as a strong person, emotionally, but still there are nights when I cry in bed all by myself. This never happened to me before I was in a LDR.


I feel I did not have a choice because the feelings were too strong to let them go by. And now for the positive thoughts: the best thing about a LDR are the first hours when you are together again. It is like heaven, nothing compares to it. An ordinary relation is like a constant function (can be quite boring while a LDR has deep downs but also great ups!

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As someone who is in an LDR and currently in the middle of planning my wedding, I am living proof that it can work. But, as with any relationship, it needs to be the right people involved and you need to have a certain temperment to be able to handle the difficulties involved in an LDR.

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Like everyone's said, there are pros and cons to being in an LDR, as there is with almost anything. I've been in one for quite awhile (with plans to move in together and get married in the not-so-far future), and there have been times when I've longed for him so much that nothing seems to alleviate the sadness or the heartache; but, there are also times when looking towards our future (for example, we're apartment-hunting together in March) buoys me enough so that I can keep plugging along towards the day we can finally be together always.


On the upside, it's been said that people who endure and survive LDRs come out with much stronger relationships in the end. This is because the very nature of the LDR means that we have had to nurture our relationship from the inside out. I spend hours every day talking to my boyfriend; we call each other for brief hellos during the day, and then settle in for webcam conversations at night. We know each other to our cores, because talking is such a huge part of our relationship. And one day, when we're living together and married, we will benefit from the memory of having had to be apart for so long. Never will we take our relationship for granted.


So, if this is someone you truly love, and there is an end in sight (as that's a crucial part of making an LDR work), then go for it! But if you're not sure about him, and if the plan is to remain long distance forever, well... that won't work.

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