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Last Name??


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For those divorced with kids, did you keep your married name, revert to your maiden name, or hyphenate? Do you wish you would have done something other than what you did? If so, what.


I just can't decide which is the best way to go with my last name, so I'm looking for examples. It is easier for the kids to have the same last name as mom? I'm considering hyphenating but that just might be annoying in the long run.



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Im not really in the situation, but id just pick whichever name I liked the most. Be it because it sounds good, or im used to it.

A name is just a name, a way to be addressed, it doesnt mean more then that unless you let it.


Id imagine Hyphenating would be annoying, id say keep your name for your children. But if you dont like it, ditch it, or if you remarry.

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If you are just asking, I think that I would go back to my maiden name. I always liked it before. Using his last name is symbolic of being married to him, and if you are not married to anyone then you can choose your own name.


Are the kids close with their dad?


How old are the kids? What do you think would cause the least resistance?

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Society wants to know who you are and what you are about. If people see that you are still using your ex's name, and there is no real reason to go behind it, like his name is Hilton and your name would be "mud"...etc...if that example makes sense at all, then I would just use your original name it doesn't necessarily have to match the kids' name, or change her name too, that would really make the ex mad, right??

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I took back my maiden name. I figured I got rid of the husband....why keep his name?


I am called Mrs. so&so at times, like at doctor's offices or at their school. Sometimes I correct people, usually I just let it slide. So be prepared for that too.

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