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How will guys act if they are into you ?


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If any guys or girls have any knowledge of this , please tell us giirls! Speaking for myself and all girls around America. So, Just list the possible ways that guys act when they are into a girl,ya kno really feelin her. And, If knowledgable of the way guy that are friends with the girl act when they like the girl? Thanks soooooooooo much! 8)

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Sorry that no one has answered this post. Guys call, smile a lot, look you in the eyes, sit near you, talk close to you. You may notice that they wink or move their eye brows when they talk to you.


If they don't do all that, they may still be into you, but they are having a hard time showing it.


They ask if you have a boyfriend. Those are some sure ways....maybe someone else will answer...


If they see you more as a friend, you may not be sending them the right signals. You may have a more masculine persona, as in your personality. You may like sports or hanging out with the guys.


One thing that I have noticed is that guys like a lot of mystery, as in suspense...if you get too close and personal with them, they normally are frightened away by that and will see you as overly aggressive and self-serving.


The most important thing is the eyes...how they look when they look at you.

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first of all ill like to say i like your dancing girl thingy there. well im not a sex expert but ill try and see what i can say to help you. when a guy likes a girl he smiles a lot more, or could be awefully tense around you. some mimic your movements without even knowing it. like if you tilt your head to the right they might do the same thing too. and i think eye contact will tell you a lot about how he feels about you. watch out for those wide eyes, if you like the way he looks at you i think then he likes you. cant explain it. let me know more about the way he acts around you. good luck.

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This guy's eyes gets wider likey a guys said. He looks at me alot. At a new years party, he was talkin to my friends that came up with me that he just met, telling them how we had this certain drink like two nights in a row with eachother, while staring at me in the eyes. He definitley smiles at me alot. Like he does this to noone else... He randomnly kept on coming really close to me and like hugging me , like he kissed me on the cheek lightly, like he wanted me to make the first move. In the past, like a couple months ago when we used to be friendsw/benefits like makeout or w/e, i used to make the first move before we hooked up. Also, He kinda treats me like one of the guys. He says that i can do anything, basically. Also, He keeps on repeating that i look like raechel from friends, you know jennifer anniston. Another thing he did at the party was take my socks off and try to stuff it in my mouth, and try to roll me off the bed. He does this to no other girl , but when asked of why don't u hook up w/her from my friend, he says , nah i can't because I kno her, and i see her all the time around school. My thought is whas wrong with that. I kno this guy doesn't want to date anybody,and only hook ups. He called me gorgeaus a cuople times in the past, but we still remain friends and i don't know what his problem is . What do you think? and is the heavily picking on me, mean something like friends or i like u kinda thing?

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Its a personal thing because each guy will show interest differently while there can be some similiarities its going to come down to making a decision. Its going to take time and you are going to have to develop a way to tell if a guy likes you or not. Look at the way he acts around you and just go from there.

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I personally show interest in a subtle way I think...I'll start to try and be around the girl more, such as in a group situation I"ll try and position myself so we can clearly see each other all the time and we're in close proximity.


I'll also glance her way alot, and try and find any excuse to be around her/talk to her.

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I don't think there is enough paper to write down all of the things that guys may do when they are interested but...


Number one thing that all guys learn is that if you want a girl to know you are interested that you (aside from the creepy ones) look a girl in the eyes, smile a lot, and put there best foot forward.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeh eagles04...I'd classify that as a mixed signal.


And what about if a guy pays heaps of attention to you...stops what he's doing if you're walking past to 'Blatantly' watch you. And when you catch him he doesn't turn his gaze...but he doesn't smile much either. What's with that?



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  • 2 weeks later...

i know what u mean , guys does this all the time to me. they want to tell the girl but are affaid to do it. they just tease her. when i like a guy i come out w/ it and tell them. still they tease me bout me liking someone in their group but the girls dont do any thing, they tease them as well.

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Do you think this guy likes me?


We were in the school student centre, and I saw him with some friends, and he was going to pass by but then when he saw me he completely stopped, turned around & waved at me, while looking directly into my eyes. I waved back & sorta blushed. I was talking on my cell phone at the time, but he took a step forward as if wanting to approach me to talk, but then when he saw I started talking on my cell, he just turned away.


Also, another time I saw him a few months ago we were walking in the opposite direction on the street, and he smiled and nodded at me, and looked deep into my eyes so intently that I had to look away & blush.


But the thing is that I'm 20 yrs old, and he's probably around 25...he's also very hot and could get girls easily, so I sorta doubt he would like me. The first time we met a few months ago, we talked together for a long time & got along really well, but then a few days later we saw each other and he acted really distant, perhaps nervous, and he didn't want to talk with me, so I figured he had a girlfriend. Perhaps now they broke up...? He has my e-mail & phone # though so if he liked me I figure he'd call....perhaps he's just playing with my feelings because he knew I liked him? HELP!!! This is driving me crazy...

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It seems you have a pretty good grasp on what he may be thinking. If you think he's acting strange lately then go with that gut instinct and don't make it obvious that you like him. Since you're having trouble understanding his body language then it's good just to take things slowly as you have been. It seems like this guy is at least attracted to you physically, so that's a good start. Just continue what you already have and if he wants to further the friendship I'm sure you can tell if he's actions are different than usual. Good luck!

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Thanks. The problem is that I don't see him a lot since we're in different years & majors. I don't know how you got that he's physically attracted to me though...someone who smiles & says hi could just be being friendly. I guess it's the fact that he ignored me before that's bugging me & the fact that I felt some initial attraction and he deliberately ignored it. I imagine he had a girlfriend before, I just don't know if he has one now, and I'm too nervous to really talk to him now...


Thanks for the comments though!! At least one person replied

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I thought he might be attracted to you physically because of the way he makes eye contact with you. You probably got a pretty good sense of that. Just talk with him when you get a good opportunity. I know it will take time to get to know him better, but it will be worth it since you'll get a better idea if he's interested or not and you won't have to pour your heart out and have the chance of him not feeling the same way. I hope all goes well!

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I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me actually. He has my phone # and e-mail address and hasn't contacted me once since I e-mailed him in September. So whatever, I don't really care either way. To be honest, I have a philosophy now that I'm not going to date anyone until I finish undergrad. It's not worth it really...

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I totally know what you mean! Dating this young isn't worth it! What I meant is that he's probably attracted to you, but most likely doesn't want to start anything for whatever reason. You have a pretty good feeling so I would stick with that.


Why waste our time with guys like that when we can use that time more wisely? At least he isn't leading you on. Anyways, I think you will meet someone when you least expect it, but right now may be a good time to think about yourself and your own needs! I know its difficult to get your mind on others things, but I think thats so much better than getting involved too quickly for the sake of just being in a relationship and most likely getting a broken heart. I'm sure you'll make the right decision. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders!

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Thanks so much hecka_bekah, I think you're exactly right. He might be attracted to me in some sense; I think he may just respect me a lot because he knows my work ethic & thinks I'm intelligent, but he may have just gotten out of a relationship or for whatever reason doesn't want to get involved. I have a really strong feeling this is the case, because I've seen him around with some girls often and he is quite good-looking and older than me so he's probably looking for more commitment right now. He's in a different stage of life than myself (he's about 5 yrs older than me), so I think he's a bit hesitant to get involved, especially because of the way he acted really distant around me whenever I was around. The first time we met we hit it off really well & there was a connection, but he didn't follow up after we exchanged contact info., so I'm pretty sure he was involved in a relationship then. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but if he's not going to be direct & honest about himself with me, I would rather just move on & place my energies elsewhere until I find someone who is right for me. =)


Thanks again, your comments really helped. Maybe I'll message you sometime if I have any more questions about stuff, if you don't mind?



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What a coincidence. I was in the library today and was talking on the phone when the guy in question happened to be there and use the photocopier right beside me! I didn't even notice him really until I just saw him out of the corner of my eye, and then looked directly at him, but he was just focusing on the photocopying and didn't look at me. I'm pretty sure he saw me though as he was pretty much right in front of me. I started to feel a bit nervous, but not awkward and didn't blush like I did before when he always used to stare at me. I just continued talking on the phone and entered the periodical room, just finishing up my call saying "ok, so I'll check out that website now..."


I'm really glad I saw him though. Basically it just confirmed that he's not even really my type. His style is completely different from mine, he's more introverted, definitely artsy, while I'm more logical and into politics...not into poetry, literature, etc. like he is... we're just very different. It's weird how I saw him only after about 30 mins. after writing that last message. I think there might have been an initial attraction, but nothing really... I'm glad I figured that out. So now I can move on & basically never think of him again.

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