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My situation isnt your typical ex bf/gf thing

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ok hey guys this is how it goes...my gf's ex bf is mad at me cuz we are datin and ya know some stuff went down between me and him we fought that old thing (only fought cuz he swung at me first). Over christmas break he went to my gf's house and said if u dont have sex wit me then imma kill your bf (which is me) and im gonna kill you.. so she did was she was told.. now do i totaly buy that? i mean should i? if thats tru she didnt cheat on me then she was raped, right? i have talked wit a couple of people and they all told me the same thing....that when they had a problem wit their gf's ex bf the ex and the girl were still messin around and i really like this girl and want it to work out but i dont know its so confusing i need help....do i leave her or what, because of her there has been a whole lot of problems wit me and this guy, i have lost friends, got stalked, got ppl wantin to fight me (dont matter bout the ppl wantin to fight me though, cuz i can take care of them) but n e way not tryin to boast, and there has been some other stuff...is this girl worth it? is a relationship this important? to cause so much pain emotionally...i mean i got alot of other girls checkin me out and i can go wit them but this girl is just amazing i dunno maybe someone can help me... thats all 4 now later

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Dude, this is shady. I am not even going to go into this because I think you already know its shady. If she was raped, then she should tell her parents and call the police.


If this guy is threatening to kill you, you need to tell your parents and call the police.


Drop the girl, because she obviously has issues that you are too young to be dealing with and its not worth your health and well being, because chances are in 6 months you will be dating someone else anyways.

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You never really know if that's how it went down. Maybe he was playfully saying it and she decided to make it sound like rape because she cheated on you. You never know with these things. I think that the important thing is to be a friend and help her out and see if rape is really the case. And if it is, then you need to bring it to the police and take it from there.

If rape is really not the case, then you need to ask yourself if you really want to be with someone who has a crazy ex that will pop his business into your relationship. Because he apparently has to the full extent.

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