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My mother moved in her thuggy waster boyfriend


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Ok so a bit of background, I am mid 20's in a low paid job (in UK) with very little support. My mum has been seeing a guy on and off for the last 10 years (most of the time he was with his wife or a new GF) but recently he decided to move in. He is a thug, has even hidden criminal evidence at my house before and I don't trust him one bit (he gets drunk too).


Now this is going to sound a bit sad/stupid, but I have 3 cats which I've had for several years who I am really attached too, if it wasn't for them I guess I could just up and leave town and forget about my life here (don't have much if anything keeping me here).


But I love my cats and so my options are limited as not many places will accept pets.


I don't really know what I'm asking, just advice on the situation as a whole I guess?


Work is depressing me, my ex left me 2 months ago and I miss him like my right arm and now this just before christmas. I feel like a prisoner in my own home and just feel like my life is getting crapper by the minute.

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Do you have a friend with a spare bedroom you could move into and just pay some low rent to them? Maybe that would get you a new start on life and let you bring your cats with you (though 3 of them is a lot to ask). I agree with you that getting out of your current living situation is a priority. You aren't going to change your mum's mind if she's been seeing this loser for 10 years. So he's there to stay. I think it's up to you to change your situation for the better.

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If moving out is a priority then you need to look at putting your cats up for adoption. A lot of times one cat is a lot to ask when you are moving in with someone. It is not sad and stupid to be attached to your pets, I grew up as a farm boy, it really surprised me how it affected me to recently lose my cat of 16 years. You're in a tough spot, if you can't see yourself giving up on your cats then you need to look at making the best of the situation you are in. You can live at your mom's but you are not a prisoner there, you can go out socialize hang out with friends. Perhaps living at your mom's is an opportunity to save up or find a better job. Take care.

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