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An EXTREMELY Awkward Situation


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Alright ill try to keep this as short as possible.


Last year, when i was in grade 10, i really REALLY liked a girl in our class. I made the mistake of telling someone i shouldnt have, and after about a week i found out that he was giving hints to her about someone that liked her. Then me, figuring that it would be better if she heard it from me instead of him, went out for a walk and told her that i really liked her, to which she said that she wasnt ready to get into something like that yet.


apparently people, including her, thought that i had asked her out, when all i had meant to do was tell her the truth about what i felt. This lead to the whole thing getting really complicated and embarrasing, and i barely spoke to her for a while because i was too nervous and shy to say anything (thats kind of the way i am i guess).


Now, about 8 months later, i hear that she would have might have been more positive about starting something, if it werent for her dad, who she thought wasnt ready for her to start getting into the whole relationship scene (im not sure if that part is true or not, i myself dont really believe it but hey its a hope). And to make things worse, i sit beside her every day for 2 periods, basically in awkward silence.


So what am i supposed to do? I still really like her, and right now Im way to shy to try and start something, even casual conversation because im pretty sure that she hates my guts, even though everyone tells me that shes a really nice person and that she really doesnt mind me that much. So... How should i go about doing this? I have no idea about how this works, so any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

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Let me tell you something about being shy......this is coming from someone who is...WAS.....shy tooo.


If you dont talk to them...they wont know u exist. If anything ...start with stupid small talk........actually make an attemp to look at her when you get to class.....and the day she actually looks your way....say HI.....thats it......thats all it takes to start. Do that a few times and sooner or later say something else. Ask about the homework..........or even the homework in your other class. After a while keep this up and just start to get her to laugh.....just play it cool. Dont feel stupid. You MUST feel good about yourself and who you are before you can expect anyone else to. Trust me ...there is nothing to be embarressed about or even scared.......they feel the same way we do.....they just look prettier.......TRUST ME. All you have to do is start the small talk. It will take practice if you are shy......eventually you will become confident enough with your "game" that you wont be scared anymore. but the key is that you must PRACTICE> start saying hello to the Lady at the grocery store.....the librarian. Whomever you see walk by you. get used to strinking up small talkwith whomever u can find. This is how i overcame my shyness and it works. You feel weird at first........the people all of a sudden come to you to talk......its crazy how it works. No one ...no one is instant cool......or instant athlete....you must make the change. Believe in yourself and practice your social skills. IT WILL WORK> its all about confidence. I am a little older than you now.....when i was in high school i was shy.....After leaving hihg school and moving on...i found out all these girls wanted to get to know me or just hook up.......i was like...WHHHHAAATTTT. But like i said....i felt stupid......they felt stupid(but I didnt know it). All i had to do was get to know them or chit chat a little. Its easier than you think////I hope this will help you....ONLY YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF A TRUE CHANCE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT>


Reformed shy guy.

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Never assume she hates your guts! It doesn't sound at all like she does, just that things got a bit awkward between you two thanks to the meddling of others. The "my dad doesn't want me dating" thing could be legit, or it could be her easiest excuse if she really doesn't feel ready for it. I know that was I was 15/16, I definitely used that excuse even though it wasn't true... it's one of the easiest things to say. She might even think that you don't like her, since she turned you down, in a way.


I'd say to just try and ease yourself back into things again. It'll be awkward, but just try and pretend nothing happened. It doesn't have to be anything crazy... just casual conversation... how was your weekend, that sort of thing. That'll get the ball rolling for something more if it's meant to be.

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Thanks a lot for all your help. Really, this can make it a lot easier knowing that other people have been there before. Next time were in class together ill definitely try to get the courage to strike up some small talk with her (the key word there being "try").

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