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I always get hurt by girls

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dude go out this weekend, and believe that you are the most irresistible thing in the world lol. Dont look at any girls, dont give them the satisfation of your "attention".


and its not that girls dont want you or not interested in you, its nothing like that, its you that dont want them, you are in a pick and choose situation and have all the power in the world


does that make sense or should i edit and delete it hehe

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probaly because alot of girls are foolish and when they find someone who shos affection and care fore them they take it for granmted and fel as if "they are in power" that happened to me and it hurt but u gon find the new one trust me not all girls are this foolish, just alot of them

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probaly because alot of girls are foolish and when they find someone who shos affection and care fore them they take it for granmted and fel as if "they are in power" that happened to me and it hurt but u gon find the new one trust me not all girls are this foolish, just alot of them




You are the guy, you have the power. Its silly to blame your girl problems on girls, if the problem is in you.

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One thing I've learned from my present boyfriend, who got taken advantage of in the past...


Be the "nice guy" but to a point - don't let people, girls, walk over you. Have high standards for how you want to be treated. Know your worth and expect nothing less. There are people that, given the chance, will use you if you're "too" nice.

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Dont be thinkin you should change, I love being nice and a nice guy, but I love myself and have alot of respect to myself that I can lauggh at idiot girls that arent worth the time.


Respect yourself to the best you can, things willl look up, it did for me.

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OK GUYS.......let me tell you as a reformed shy guy...reformed NICE GUY.



Im still very nice......but not sucker.


All you need to do is work on your confidence. I read this website before i changed...lots of great articles on self confidence for guys ....also sign up for their DAILY email. YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.....wiht that is have confidence and know who you are. anyway...just look around the site..........it may change the way you see the whole "game"


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best of luck

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well - as THAT girl who would likely cheat on the nice guy (believe me I'm not proud of this...) These girls have good intentions most likely, but end up hurting you because they think you won't care or give them any trouble about it - and they can just get out easy without causing any big thing about it. This is my educated guess anyway. These girls also have likely been hurt by a guy/guys and end up treating guys like objects because that's how they've been treated in the past. It's actually pretty easy to spot these girls - the girls that ALWAYS have a guy with them. If you find your not finding the nice girls often enough, stick to casual relationships.. THOSE (the bad ones) kind of girls do not want those kind of relationships usually - they want to move fast. Be friends with the girl first - than you won't have to worry about being used, cause all your doing is being friends, and eventually youl'l figure out what shes like. Oh and also: playing a little hard to get never hurts. not calling right away - letting her ask the questions, that kind of thing..Believe me, I've been where you've been, and I ended up being a bitter harda*s lol. Being too nice never gets ya anywhere...

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lol you dont need help in telling yourself how to love yourself, thats like saying ok i have a car, i need to be told where the steering wheel is, maybe some ppl need a push and an outlook on life and stuff maybe.


i did all this on my own, so actually i cant really comment.

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OK GUYS.......let me tell you as a reformed shy guy...reformed NICE GUY.



Im still very nice......but not sucker.


All you need to do is work on your confidence. I read this website before i changed...lots of great articles on self confidence for guys ....also sign up for their DAILY email. YOU MUST LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.....wiht that is have confidence and know who you are. anyway...just look around the site..........it may change the way you see the whole "game"


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best of luck


Just finished reading some of it..


Dude, I dont do half of those things and still get girls.


However, I think that site's purpose is to give people confidence which allows them to learn for themselves.

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Lol i always get hurt by guys .... Go figure..lol


About girls and treating you wrong...I swear the guy has the upper hand in this! Like try not to try so hard and Let them come to you..That is the whole secret...be more aggresive and keep your dignity and have confedence! Easier said then done but ..yeah thats really all u need to know dude.



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