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Long story short, my ex and I split this past Summer. It was somewhat mutual, but lopsided in the sense that she ultimately was the one who decided to cut everything off. Some of this was most likely due to the new long-distance issue we were facing (I moved accross the country). The distance was planned, and we DID have an end date for the distance, but things happened and the relationship failed.


Well, I am moving back in a few months and would like some advice on dealing with all of the emotions and memories that I had with her before I left. She and I dated for a while, and I know being back on the other side of the country will trigger some emotions. I have healed from the break-up, but am not necessarily 100% over her. I am excited to move back "home", but at the same time I am nervous about going back, simply due to the fact that the last time I lived there I was in a committed, exclusive relationship with a girl I thought I was going to marry.


Thanks in advance!

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