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scared father, dont know what to do!!!


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hi, i posted recently that my ex girlfriend, we can call her sara, is pregnant. i am totally sure it is mine. she is 4 months a long i think. we went to a doctor appt together in november where we found out she was pregnant for sure and the doc said the baby would be born in mid june. anyways, she will not tell me anything related to the birth of the child, i dont even know a due date when i am going to be a dad. if i take her to court prior to the birth, do i have any rights as to the baby having my last name since i want to play an active role in my childs life. i would like the child to live with me but from what i have heard that doesnt happen for fathers very often.

I am very scared that she will do everything to keep me away from the birth of my child, it hurts so bad because i know i can never get it back. is there anyone out there who has been in this situation, or has any advice. this is tearing me apart. should i continue to try to contact her, or could she get a restraining order on me even if all i want to know is things relating to the birth of the child. i am so confused and scared. i am only 20 but i want to step up and be a father, its my responsibility and i know i have a legal and moral responsibility to that child which is fine by me, i love kids. anyway can anyone pelase help, thats for your time



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Unfortunately until the baby is born you have no right at all to the child. That is because there is no way to prove you are the childs father until after birth (well there is, but they wouldn't put the baby at risk by doing the test).


You must speak to an attorney that specializes in fathers rights and paternity. The laws are very different in each state and country and you don't want to do something or forget to do something that could jeapordize your rights later on. There are certain things you can do to at least protect your right to see the baby. Fighting for custody is much more difficult, although it is not impossible.


She can get a restraining order against you if you harass her. And that will severely hurt your chances of custody. So my advice is to contact an attorney immediately.


I will PM you a little more later. I have a story to tell you that I think will help you.

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I remember you last post, and I commented on how great it is your still responcible, and I just want to say that again, that's ausome, too bad there isn't more young fatherrs like you out there....anyway


I think your better off not asking for legal help on a website, the answers you get always have a chance of being wrong, especially on the internet, with a site your new to. Go see a family lawyer, a concultation probably wouldn't cost much, or would be free, and it is the only thing i could recomend.


I hope it all works out for you, good luck, and congradulations.

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