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few questions

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i have a few questions.

1. What are some good ways to get a girl who thinks of u as just a friend to start to see u as a little more than a friend?

2. What does it mean when she starts asking weird questions like "if i was dying, what would the last thing u said to me be?"

3. I was talking to her and we were discussing things we wanted in a "special person" and i mentioned that i like girls that challenge me but are not impossible. to which she responded "Im not impossible." do you think she meant anything by that or was she just saying that.(cause i have told her how i felt a few times before.) by the way, she currently thinks that i dont like anyone.

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1. What are some good ways to get a girl who thinks of u as just a friend to start to see u as a little more than a friend

Obviously, the flirting is a good way to let her know you are interested. but u also need to show her that you care a lot abotu her, in ways more than just as a friend. u need to do thoughtful little things that just everyone wouldnt do for her. ( bring her soup when shes sick) stuff like that. show her that she is important to you, and occupies a special place in ur heart.



2. What does it mean when she starts asking weird questions like "if i was dying, what would the last thing u said to me be?"

It means that she is trying to find out how much u care about her. The 'right' answer to this question would be to tell her how much you would not want to think about her dying because its hard to imagine life without her of course, you should probably tell her what you actually might tell her if, god forbid, she was dying. u could say how much you care and how she has made ur life.....stuff like that. personal stuff that relates to you two.


3. I was talking to her and we were discussing things we wanted in a "special person" and i mentioned that i like girls that challenge me but are not impossible. to which she responded "Im not impossible.

well obviously shes flirting with you dude! It sounds as though she likes you too. a little more flirting and then it should be time to let her in on the secret. that u like her. and then tell her how you want to be more than just friends...so on and so forth. comprende?

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