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So *YOUR* going on a date. what do YOU do?


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Ok, this is targeted to guys. i just wanna know the rutine you go through

from start to finish.

like for me


1) Take shower

2) Put cloths on

3) Do Hair (comb, spike, whatever)

4) Calogne (sp?)

5) Wallet

6) Pick her up.


i dont think im missing anything. but if i am its probably due to how tired im in right now. anyway what about you guys? what do you do?

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An additional thing I do is think about her. What does she like, what are her hobbies, how about her family? What does she do? Work? School? I am pretty good at expressing myself through the typewritten (or hand-written) word, but I get stupid when I'm face-to-face. So, I think of things that will help spark conversation about HER and her life. If you're not sure (maybe this is first date or blind date), then think about some things to talk about - recent events, finding out what she does, what she likes, etc... Think about her - what do you like about her? There is nothing that will put you in the mood for a date better than thinking about the person you are about to see!!

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1.) Shower

2.) Shave & grooming

3.) Deodorant

4.) Dress

5.) Hair (some gel)

6.) Contact lenses

7.) Cologne

8.) If breath ain't fresh, pop in a stick of gum

9.) Final check: Watch, Wallet, Testicles, Spectacles

10.) Daily affirmation before leaving the house: I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darnnit, people like me!


** this doesn't really fit into the sequence, but I try to make sure I have a Plan B in case the Plan A date activities fall through. In a sense, this is more important than many of the steps above.

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If you are really organized, i would do a pre-run to the date site. Make sure you know you won't hit any traffic, so you can know around how long it takes for you to get there. And also you can browse around that neighborhood, so you can "pretend" to know around. If you're gonna have dinner, maybe check out their menu, so you don't look like an idiot for trying to bring your vegetarian date to a steak house


PS: Please turn off your cellphone or silence it before the date!


Hope it helped.

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PS: Please turn off your cellphone or silence it before the date!


I have a question related to that. So what do you girls think when a guy you are dating has so many calls coming in when you are on the date with him (even the ringer is off, I can still hear the phone vibrating). Although (and of course) he won't answer those calls, they annoys me sometimes.

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PS: Please turn off your cellphone or silence it before the date!


I have a question related to that. So what do you girls think when a guy you are dating has so many calls coming in when you are on the date with him (even the ringer is off, I can still hear the phone vibrating). Although (and of course) he won't answer those calls, they annoys me sometimes.

...at least he's not answering the phone, that would really suck. I leave my phone on vibrate, i might answer if it was my parent's, but that's it

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I agree. Don't answer, but I say you go a step further. Turn the bloomin thing off! If you want to see missed calls, then excuse yourself to the restroom and check there. Anyone important would/should leave voice mail.


You're on a date for crying out loud! If she doesn't think you care enough about her to turn off your phone, then what else is she to think about how you feel?

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Regarding the cell phone stuff...


There is another option that isn't so bad. Leave your cell phone on, but if it rings during your date, don't take the call and let it ring or better yet, grab your phone and nonchalantly cancel the ringing.


This shows you that you are "in demand" but also shows how you are respectful of your date. If you do this, changing your ring tone to something subtle and/or not-annoying would be a good idea as well.


Any thoughts?

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