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i want to try to avoid this as much as possible with my

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Besides the daily 6'oclock TV news or the weather, what are some boring topics that you had to avoid talking about with your friend(s) because they were either boring or already common knowledge? Everyone's made this mistake.

I find that someone's interest perks up a little if I describe some conflict that I witnessed at a party, or if someone did something hilarious..or if I let them in on some information that is beneficial to them as well as others.

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I think it is inpotant to stay true to your self talk about things that are important to you and interest you because they are part of what makes you who you are and if there not interested as much as your interested in what they have to say then maybe they are not that interested in you. And most people just like to be heard and accepted for who they are. Just my opinion.

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I agree with princess81, be who u are. sometimes our friends arent into the same things we are. so what? sometimes ill let my friends in on some info that i find absolutely fascinating, and they'll jus be like...uh...wtf? Its OK. friends are friends because of who you are, not because of what you can talk about.

funny story..once i was trying to explain the theory of quantum universes (i like different stuff) to my friend while we were playing pool. he got so confused to what i saw saying and so bugged, he shot the cue ball straight into the tray of the waitress walking by!

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The others are right. What you don't seem to realize is that a friend (who, by definition, cares about *you) will care about the things that *interest* you.


You shouldn't have to sit around and think up topics to discuss. Just let the conversation flow and go where it leads.

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