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A poll for the girls

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Hey everyone,


Well, this is a simple thread kinda related to all my recent threads... Anyway, that's not the point, lol. Ok, here are the questions:


1-If a you give a guy your cell phone # and you don't know each other that well (you've done some small talk for a little over a couple of weeks), is it because you're at least a little bit interested?

2-Would you give a guy in the same scenario as above your cell phone # if you already have a boyfriend?

3-If that same guy left a message on your cellphone, he's not quite sure you're back from a trip and says that he'd like to hang/go out with you cause would you call him back?

4-same guy leaves that same message, but you've already got a boyfriend (only IF you gave your # to him...). Would you call him back? What would you say? What would you expect him to say/do next time you see him?


Please, also tell me if you're shy or not. That's all.

Thank you and best wishes.

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hehehehe that sux guy. Well I'll try to answer, but I don't think you'll like it very much.


1. Under normal circumstances it would be because I was a little interested. I have also given out my number to just be polite (and fake numbers too)

2. yes.

3. It would depend on if I was interested or not. But it he called more than once, I would label him as desperate and never call him.

4. No, I would never call him back. It's one thing to want a guy to leave the night with a good vibe because he got a number, but if you actually talk to them after, it's leading them on.

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I'm a shy girl with people I don't know - once i get to know people I'm more outgoing.


1 - I would outrite give a guy my cell # if only if I was interested. If he asked for it - I would give it to him regardless - providing I could trust him.


2 - Same answer as question #1. I wouldnt give my number if I had a bf - but if he asked for it I would give it.


3 - If I was interested - I would call him back. If I wasn't really interested and he called me to go hang out - I would avoid calling him back. If he called just to say hi.


4 - I wouldn't call back if I already had a boyfriend. Next time I see him I would understand if he ignored me completely - but if he wanted to be friends, I would expect him to be friendly with me but keep his distance.


Personally - I would of told the guy from the start that I have a boyfriend so none of these scenarios could happen.

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Haha. I'm weird. I'm really outgoing around my friends, but somewhat shy around people I dont know. If that helps with the answers i'm about to give you, lol. Anyway..


1 - If anyone asked me for my cell phone #, i'd just give it to them, wether I liked them or not. What would I say otherwise? No? Haha, it'd leave a bit of an awkward silence XD.

However, if I was to give a guy I dont know well my phone number without him asking me, it'd mean I really liked him.

2 - Yes. But this would mean I thought he was fun, but only interested in the guy as a friend, not as a potential boyfriend. Sorry.

3 - Um, I dont know. It depends. I personally dont check my messages since it costs me If I did, um.. depends on how much I liked the guy. I think I have a fear of ringing people. XD If I didn't like him, I just wouldn't call him back.

4 - I'd call him back and accept and maybe chat for a bit, but put the good old "me and my boyfriend..." line in, so he knew I was taken.. and try to pursue a relationship just as friends. I dont know what i'd expect him to say/do the next time I saw him though.

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Well, that can work a couple of ways. It could be because you're fun and she likes talking to you. Or it could be, "hey gimmie a call, and maybe ask me if i want to hang out."


I gave my number out to a guy I know...well I'd say pretty well, one can never say they know another entirely. I did it because I am interested, he gave me his number back. Neither has called the other. I am guessing he just gave me his to be poilte.


Now, whether she'd call back after getting the message depends on how bold she is. It took me 2 months to get up the guts to call a guy that I was DATING, for kripesake. So, that can be sticky. She might be interested, but just too freaked out to call. If you see her in person you might follow up, or just observe her around you. If she avoids you, that might not be a good thing.


If I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't give my number out to you unless we were established good friends, and you were well aware that I have a signifigant other and that I was devoted to him. That would also be a critical prerequisite to hanging out with you; knowing I have someone and have no intention of leaving him.


So, there's my take on it

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1-If a you give a guy your cell phone # and you don't know each other that well (you've done some small talk for a little over a couple of weeks), is it because you're at least a little bit interested?


Yeah, definitely.


2-Would you give a guy in the same scenario as above your cell phone # if you already have a boyfriend?


Probably not. Unless for a good reason like working on a school project or something.


3-If that same guy left a message on your cellphone, he's not quite sure you're back from a trip and says that he'd like to hang/go out with you cause would you call him back?


If I liked him I would call him back...if I didn't, uh, it would be considerate to call him back but I don't know if I would


4-same guy leaves that same message, but you've already got a boyfriend (only IF you gave your # to him...). Would you call him back? What would you say? What would you expect him to say/do next time you see him?


Haha...I don't know.

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